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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, I shall have a nosey
  2. Update pushed for deathwalkidg issues
  3. Going to be pushing an update shortly for this, apologies for the delay on this one
  4. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    As far as im aware yeah Could you asend me a copy of the logs when this happens? Believe there is. currently an issue with widgets in the osbot client, should be fixed soon if not already
  5. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you for reporting, I will see what’s going on and find out why it may not be looking them. If there are any logs regarding looting drop them in a pm and I can look into it further Thank you for the mention, I will check the logic it uses to hop and see what I can amend for it
  6. Hellos, noticed i've received a negative feedback relating to a script ban. Please can we remove? Thank you.
  7. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Are you using the OSBot break handler? If so, swap to the script built in break handler
  8. Could you confirm your setup and ill check for you. Do you have anti-venom+,serp helm or cure me spell enabled?
  9. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    If you create the script you can override it by creating your own break manager but it has to be within the script. You can add additional conditions to start the break etc such as don't be in combat or only break when you're in a certain area.
  10. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Was pushed last night, was an error with hasFocus method when using the random camera movement idle activity, some some people on discord test and confirm it worked
  11. Could you let me know the main cause of your deaths when you get a mo? might be able to take a deeper look into it for you
  12. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Looking into the issue, will get something pushed out shortly!
  13. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you for the report, i will see if i can find out whats up. Can you confirm your setup and ill try copy
  14. I'd say 75+ just as a magic phase range attack can hit 49 or 50 and a snakeling can hit 19. Can be combo'd occasionally and having lower hp will be a risk. Rune crossbow + diamond bolts works well Currently looking at normal spell book for other alternatives but not ibans yet. I know its requested for ironman accounts and it is on my list. Will probably post when it is added.
  15. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Will check it out, thank you. Ill post when the update has been pushed, should be this evening when i finish work
  16. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Believe this is due to the ',' within the message, I have amended the script to handle this better. Will be in next update. Also, added a failsafe for the 'cant hold any more pages' message - if this comes up it will mark the book as charged Currently no, something I want to add but its risky with pure accounts and all that, wouldn't want to add something that has potential to ruin accounts if it is setup incorrectly. Needs to be thought out for the ux Thank you, I will copy the settings and see if I can find out what is going on. shouldn't be stopping unless the stop by is hit or if the coffer is empty or re-enter is disabled. will try find out what's up. Thank you,Probably going to add a failsafe for that dialog, if it appears mark dream as purchased or something perhaps.
  17. Thank you for mentioning the travel issue, I thought this had been implemented previously and will check to see why this might not be the case, they could have changed some text since it was first implemented
  18. The script currently supports the cure me spell, recoils, void and I will be adding the normal spell book spells as discussed with a user on discord Ill have to check the quest cape one as I don't own one myself. May need a test account for that. Although, it does support slayer ring method which is pretty good. Would just be the ibans and quest cape method it is missing. I can add it to my todo's but can't promise when it would be added at the moment.
  19. It does not support the iban staff. currently
  20. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Does it purposly select elvarg? Does it deselect any others? 'Grab Gear' button and if a special weapon is found it will be enabled, What weapon you wanting to use if this doesnt work? Will check the script to see what might be the cause, if it is not logging the reason i will be sure to add logs at all the points it stops the script. Could you screenshot the dream settings ui you have selected?
  21. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Could you screenshot of send me the logs from the script when it stops? Should say the reason I believe. You don't have any stop conditions enabled do you?
  22. It currently does not support guthix rest but I may be able to look into it to see how it functions
  23. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    That would be fab, let me know if you do, ill check the method for grabbing the potion and see what I can find. When this was being logged, was the potion visible or on the minimap?
  24. When it spammed the prayer, which prayer was it clicking? Was it trying to interact with something in the inventory perhaps and had the wrong tab open? Maybe able to investigate further
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