Atm im pre much botting all the time im awake that i have access to my computer aha xd.
Said i was going to use this acc for testing only but i cant stop
Me and some others have a feeling its to do with mirror regonising prayer being set. in me new method there is no conditional sleep after turning it on so it should in theory help it out alot. Thats what i hope anyways
No HP levels? In the version im working on i have changed the Prayer Flicking method a lil to make it a little faster. Is it mirror mode you are on by any chance?
Just gone Premium!
Really odd 'o.O it shouldnt even fill i the text field if its null. Honestly not sure whats happening. Defo logged in? its a long shot lol but you are the only one who has mentioned this problem and i got no idea why it is happening for you
Balls. is it attempting to drink the Super ranging potion or not? also when should it drink it? how low should the range level go before re-potting?