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  1. jhc27

    Molly's Thiever

    Got ~40-99 thief w/ rocky on a hc. Thanks molly.
  2. jhc27

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I get a trial? TY!
  3. Was working great, but today wont' use dodgy necklaces?
  4. Got full from it. Make sure you're on fixed, and theres a tile in the 2nd room that sometimes it misclicks (and if it does, itll forever do it). Some times I tried it, itd do it, sometimes Id pause, click myself, and resume it. Thinks its around tile 45
  5. jhc27


    Thanks for this, finished all of MTA on an iron. Few things I noticed that would probably trigger some sort of bot detection: Graveyard: It goes to a random one instead of the one closest to a deposit box. Is this because it needs time to his B2p or B2b? If so I understand but it's very easy to spot whos using this script. Also HUGE thing is that sometimes it gets stuck eating bananas and not leaving. Say you made it eat from 20-30, if it reaches 28 with no food, it'll eat bananas near the exit, go back, get more bones, B2b, and loop eating bananas UNTIL below 20 somehow. Also, if there was a B2p and eat peaches mode... this'd be great. Tele: No isssue! I didn't use stams so couldn't speak on it. Alch: No issue but pretty easy seeing who is using script (or RL). Maybe make it spam and take a bunch of items instead of take 1 - alch 1? Thanks! Edit: Also would like to say my bot patterns were ~1.5 to 2 hours per session, at most 2 sessions a day, but only if I was already playing a long day with questing etc. Don't bot MTA for 6+ hours a day, that's asking for trouble.
  6. I'm not sure brother. I went and checked the collection, nothing in it, and can't seem to find where the log file for it would be. In the logger tab it was spamming no more staffs as I only had 2 so couldn't go back to it the 2nd time. But yeah, really can't use it now as it doesn't have mage gear lol. Any way for the refund? And if you can point towards where to find the log I can get you more info.
  7. Hi, used for maybe 10 kills, somehow it died and then died again without collecting? Is there any way to get a refund? I can't even run it now as it was on an iron and doesn't have the gear now as it lost everything. Maybe 1 hour run time.
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