Script just crashes for me when using cannon and needing to refill, both the osbot and runescape client freeze and can´t do anything, have to use task manager to close.
Added multiple locations, starts withdrawing items + teles, then withdraws maximum amount of supercompost = inventory full, deposits everything and starts withdrawing everyting again, over and over again
Can you check cannon, keeps failing on me in different places. Either has issues with placing it down/repairing/reloading and then just stands around, wont log out.
Would also be good if the script would use slayer rings and fairy ring tele to Duradel, currently using Al Kharid Glider and then runs, takes like 4-5 minutes instead of fairy ring + run which is like 1 min.
Just bought the script, have to babysit at the moment. Some things happening for me right now: does not take X amount of bones as notes, just full inv + coins and currently has trouble opening the door should it close, thanks. Forgot to mention, also does not recharge prayer so once you run out, that is it.