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  1. I had the branch/method number thing at the top left and now it's just gone. Any ideas?
  2. Absolutely nothing changed but the problem seems fixed, I joined the discord anyways so if I need any help I'll let you know but for now thanks.
  3. Fresh install of java, fresh osbot, old and new windows updates. Cleared repository, the client runs really bad until it is unusable. What I mean by unusable is I cant change what bot I'm looking at, I cant stop or start a script or even pause, I cant do anything even after all my accounts are logged out. It literally forces me to close osbot I've tried waiting it does nothing. The only thing I can see is that when I'm running script factory the power usage is very high and when I'm running just regular osbot scripts its just high.
  4. How do you want it to kill the imps, what level of accounts are you looking to anti pk, and how much do you want to offer, I don't have scripter 1 but I can throw you something really quick.
  5. It is every script. I can run any OSbot script any, but the second I try running one script factory one it overloads the OSbot client and makes it never load till I task manager it. I literally have no idea what happened for the last two weeks i've been running 6-8 script factory ones and now i cant run one.
  6. I've been running 6-8 accounts no issues, but one of the scripts today crashed and ever since then I can run one max, any ideas? everything else on my pc runs just fine and other scripts running alright as well.
  7. This is going to sound super stupid but is there any way to mass copy paste i just can't figure it out, it would really save me some time. Also is there any way to get the current copy and paste to paste below the selected line?
  8. No matter what order i put it in or whatever way i try and use it it just doesn't work so if i could please get some help, i bet its me but just need a tiny guide.
  9. Just show stats and quests and pm offer i want to buy 2-3
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