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Everything posted by BIGGUY432

  1. hey love your other scripts, can i get a trial?
  2. Just bought the script but the bot keeps logging out when trying to bank the loot/start the run and get the inventory setup [INFO][Bot #1][05/28 08:54:53 AM]: Script Excellent Vorkath has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][05/28 08:54:53 AM]: sleep interrupted [INFO][Bot #1][05/28 08:54:53 AM]: Script failure. Caught a null pointer exception... Please send the log in OSBot/Data/Excellent Vorkath/logs/logfileoftoday [INFO][Bot #1][05/28 08:54:53 AM]: Shutting down script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][05/28 08:54:53 AM]: [PHASE LISTENER]: TERMINATED
  3. Hey man, first script I've ever bought and used and am enjoying it so far, just a couple things I've experienced so far in 1.14, I will try and take screenshots and get the log for you next time, am still rather new to the scene. 1.) Sometimes the script will stop after I have ran out of food, and seems to pause on my equipment as if it was going for the ring of duelling but can't reach it. Have died a few times from this. 2.) Script stopping at bank in middle of runs, just seems to stand there until being logged out. 3.)occasionally the camera angle will impact the ability to find a target/drop and will either time out by the altar or fail to pick up a piece of loot. Spinning the camera seems to fix this for me at the time but there are a few angles that will catch it. All of these have been encountered few and far between, very good script otherwise Thanks!
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