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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. I'd do exactly like the video Swizz posted. Happily enjoying every press of the button.
  2. It's amazing how individuals with such 'skills' and 'wisdom' at hacking Skypes and scamming, always seem to have such bad grammar and spelling.
  3. Wow, such argument. Much anger.
  4. Flake

    Rate my pures!

    click add to cart and purchase if its free it will be 0.00 and you wont need any payment info then log in to the client got to free scripts and hit refresh account 1 9/10 would be 10 but i dont like the 31 pray others all pretty good but low combat defiantly some fun pk accounts with gwd all u need is an obby tank So true, if only I could go back to 1 prayer. I am contemplating getting 43 prayer and getting a fire cape, and then sometime in the future getting 75 defence. Oh, and Acc #1 also has 50 agility and theiving now. Gotta get dat rogue armor for pking.
  5. If anything that anti-ban will cause you to get banned.
  6. Flake

    Rate my pures!

    First, my pride and joy. http://prntscr.com/1qljkw Quested, house with tele, etc. Working on 50 agility. Second, http://prntscr.com/1qljqw Also all quested, has crystal bow, full rogue, chompy hats, etc. ONLY LVL 53 COMBAT. Cannoned for most of the rage levels, little bit of range guild towards the end. Just about 78 range. Alches up to 78 mage as to avoid combat lvls. Going to PC till 70 str so it will still be level 53 combat. Third: http://prntscr.com/1qljwy Quested, 400+ chompy kills, ex-obby mauler. and lastly: http://prntscr.com/1qljzo All accounts have mithies, filled books, all quested. Might put these accounts up for sale, I am only using the obby mauler at the moment.
  7. I may have some stuff, but I would want 07 GP for it.
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