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  1. I tried on both resized/fixed, but it still wont click the "teleport" option and spams these lines repeatedly: [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:03 AM]: INFO: Scroller: 76, 19, 5 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: DEBUG: Selecting minigame [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: INFO: PFace: 76, 18, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: INFO: TPChild: 76, 18, 14 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:05 AM]: INFO: cy: 394, iy: 323 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:06 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:07 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:07 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:07 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 11:33:07 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1
  2. I have reset f keys and only use it on fixed, but I will try on both and see! Thank you!
  3. Does this support un-noting logs and having a servant take it to the sawmill? Am an ironman
  4. Yeah it is very weird. It literally opens minigame interface, clicks the minigame, scrolls, selects the shades of morton, and just wont hit "teleport" button. But simply manually clicking "teleport" works fine.
  5. I have been trying to use this for a couple of days. I am not the person you are replying to, but I am asking if this works for you? I have had it going with clan wars to bank, and minigame teleport to get to barrows, and it never clicks "teleport" it just opens it, but once I manually click teleport, it runs and works fine for 3-4 runs, teleports back, and repeats, it needs me to teleport. I tried it with home teleport option, since Im running it on an ironman, and it works perfectly fine, however every couple runs, when it exits the ladder, it fails to run to start the new run (run to dharock), and it just says "exiting tunnel" despite being on ground level. Do you not experience these issues as well? I am unsure if it is my setup, my client, running it on a mac, or an ironman, or if it just has bugs in the bot.
  6. Oooo, may I try a trial version please?
  7. You teleport not to a fairy ring, just to canifis. From there just run south. I am only asking as I am an ironman and the only way to get cosmics is to rc them XD and abyss is just not accessible until I have high level stats.
  8. Can this bot craft cosmic runes via: ring of dueling clan wars, reset energy in portal, then teleport to fairy ring, craft cosmics, repeat?
  9. So this works for you?? I do average 4 trips, and it works fine now, but it just won't even click the button. It opens and scrolls, but just wont click teleport. Does this not work for anyone else?
  10. ozdv


    May I get a trial as well? Thanks!
  11. After first run, when trying second: It says "existing tomb" despite being outside,
  12. [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:15 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:15 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:15 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:16 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:16 AM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/12 12:13:16 AM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open I keep getting this, dueling ring issue was my mistake, I reset all the eqipment except the minions one. But this issue occurs when trying to minigame teleport. It opens the interface, scrolls, selects it, and then just spams this in logs. I can manually click teleport, and then the bot works fine perfectly for an inv, then repeats.
  13. I uneqipped ring of dueling and issue persisted? Not sure whatelse to do. I've tried 4x. It works if I just wield it or put it back in bank, but now it gets stuck on teleporting to shades of mortton, in log it says this repeatedly: [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:36 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:37 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1 [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: DEBUG: Minigame tab open [INFO][Bot #1][06/10 11:11:38 PM]: INFO: MasterWidget: 76, 8, -1
  14. Does this fully support nieve? Like I can just plug it in and it will do all nieve tasks?
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