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  1. 30$ is more than I am looking to spend.
  2. Interested in getting 10-50 depending on the price Must be Pre-made not looking to wait. Discord is browse <- no # or numbers.
  3. I have a main similar for less Browse#6182
  4. Browse

    main for sale

    Interested add me on disc Browse#6182
  5. Browse


    add me on disc Browse#6182
  6. Add me on Disc Browse#6182
  7. Disputed member: @LIAMM Thread Link:https://osbot.org/forum/profile/4328-liamm/ Explanation: Bought an account recovered and blocked me Evidence: [Hidden]
  8. thats like 2$ if using BTC it will be swallowed up in fees if your going to do a smaller transaction like that use XRP .00003 fees and 3 secound settlement time.
  9. would also disagree with this. i activity pk with 6-8 2k pures that hunt/rag 2k constantly. Im just saying it might sit for a while at 800-1100.
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