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  1. Is true I was more thinking that buying from Jagex officially, just with a cheaper currency, could be virtually 0 ban rate. Ex if I wanted to 6 month sub an acc I'm playing on that will do very little to no botting and likely wont get banned. Vs if I was farming hard ya I'd just be buying gold to bond for the short term subs.
  2. I meant using a VPN to change location to some country that membership is significantly cheaper in. When I did it before I used a free one.
  3. I think it prob depends on the activity. 4 hours of thieving elves per day is a lot of suffering a player would have to endure. I'd honestly cap aweful activities that people would want to bot at like 1 hour per day. Easy afk things like NMZ can easily be higher. But I'm also wondering how much lower ban rate is on mouse recording vs the others. Obviously you still want to use good botting practices. But if you did everything right years ago they had virtually 0 ban rate. Wondering if thats still the case.
  4. Hey guys. I'm salty at the price increase of yearly sub for my iron. Years ago on a different acc I VPN'd to mexico and did a multi month sub for dirt cheap. Thinking of doing that for my iron but was wondering if anyone's getting banned for it now? I pretty much sign on the dotted line that I accept the risk of getting banned when I break the TOS. But I'd rather not throw my acc away without figuring out if its still safe lmao. Thanks.
  5. Stuff like this worries me, I want to come back and do some mouse recording as I never had bans in the past, but then you are getting bans even with it, so not sure if its worth it. For the accounts you mouse recorded on, did you use other forms of botting on them?
  6. What mouse recorder you using? I've had the itch to get back into it haha. mouse recorders never let me down in the past, 0 bans on my end too. I always used 'macro recorder' as it can add color detection to add failsafes.
  7. Ya I wouldn't do anything meaningful on them. If they were throw always to gold farm you could keep doing it but otherwise id trash them and use them for testing only.
  8. I macro and dont use a bot client but i'm assuming this theory still stands. I limit each session to around 2 hours, or sub 1 hour for 'high ban rate' activities like rooftop agil. And do several sessions per day, with gaps in between. My only ban ever was with my python fletching macro (alternate ahk) that I accidentally ran for like 6 hours overnight. I derped and set the loop amount wrong so that it went super long instead of around 2 hours. I then used it again on another character that had some membership time left and got to like 97 fletching no ban before its membership ended. so I'm assuming the macro is good and it was the session length. And it makes sense. Jag cant thoroughly scan every accounts actions for patterns etc. It would take too much processing power. But if an account is flagged as possibly a bot from a long session of repetitive action, it could be looked into more by stronger detection, and find patterns or something that decides your a bot.
  9. Look in the for sale section, theres code sellers
  10. What do you guys think of membership codes, do they effect ban rate at all or have any other issues? They are cheaper than VPN to mexico subbing or buying gold to bond. But my accounts I'm building arent throw always so I'd like to know if any of you play normally with membership codes. Thanks.
  11. I've always thought that once an acc is banned it gets detected more easily
  12. Also dont bot on an acc thats gotten a ban, scrap it and make a new one. If its gotten a ban before it will get detected way easier.
  13. I wouldn't worry too much about ban waves, my only ban was from accidentally running my fletch macro for 6 hours overnight (I normally do segments of 2 hours ish for everything) and I woke up to the ban. Could using fishy membership codes have increased ban chance? I feel like normal players dont use them haha.
  14. My thought is that they cant deep analyze every player online. It would take waaaaay too much processing power. So they only analyze accounts that are flagged. My only ban has been from when I was making a python fletch script and I accidentally ran it for like 6 hours overnight. I'm convinced I hit a point where the game was like, "ok this guy is sus, lets analyze him more" and then decided my random gen wait times and everything were fake. I've re used this same script again on a diff acc just to see if its a bad script or not and running reasonable amounts of time I've never gotten a ban. so I feel like my accoutns dont get flagged to the point of it looking into them more to notice any patters.
  15. I'm also quite interested in how this could effect ban rates. I do a lot of mouse recording, ahk bots, etc. Currently hardest to detect lowest ban rate things if done right in my opinion. but if they can now detect these things a lot is going to change. I'm wondering if anyone here who knows more about how this stuff works on the technical end has an input as to why or why not the change will matter.
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