I macro and dont use a bot client but i'm assuming this theory still stands. I limit each session to around 2 hours, or sub 1 hour for 'high ban rate' activities like rooftop agil. And do several sessions per day, with gaps in between. My only ban ever was with my python fletching macro (alternate ahk) that I accidentally ran for like 6 hours overnight. I derped and set the loop amount wrong so that it went super long instead of around 2 hours. I then used it again on another character that had some membership time left and got to like 97 fletching no ban before its membership ended. so I'm assuming the macro is good and it was the session length.
And it makes sense. Jag cant thoroughly scan every accounts actions for patterns etc. It would take too much processing power. But if an account is flagged as possibly a bot from a long session of repetitive action, it could be looked into more by stronger detection, and find patterns or something that decides your a bot.