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Everything posted by Blomgreen

  1. I need a trial for this amazing khal script
  2. Sounds interestin. Can't wait to try it out
  3. Right, either im bad at setting this up, or its just generally bad. I've been using this script for a day now and i hate it. When thieving from the inside fruit stalls, if the door is open, it has it with going outside and getting stuck. Another issue, is you cant use the drop feature in many places. I was thieving silk, and for some reason it can't drop the silk, and goes to bank instead (Waste of time) Even whiledoing the master farmer, my choice of what seeds to keep, are not respected. I keeps any and all seeds, and banks them. Other than that, it also got stuck in the bank, it banked all of the seeds and then proceeded to get stuck. I serisously can't be the only one wit all of these problems. Pretty bad for a 6$ script, tbh
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