Shadow Of The Storm settings:{FOOD=Lobster, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, STYLE=0, SPELL=0, reward1=Magic}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: withdrawing necessary item: 1 Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 1 Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: withdrawing necessary item: 1 Necklace of passage(5)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 1 Necklace of passage(5)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: withdrawing necessary item: 1 Falador teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: stamina potion thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 1 Falador teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:11 PM]: eating thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:42 PM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/26 07:11:43 PM]: starting script without parameters
I have all the items and it still shuts it self off