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  1. 40m. How long will you be taking offers?
  2. Getting this Error: [iNFO][bot #1][07/29 09:18:46 PM]: Walking to wizard [ERROR][bot #1][07/29 09:18:47 PM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.osbot.bB at org.osbot.lpt1.IIIiIiiIiiii(nk:32) at org.osbot.lpt1.IIIiIiiIiiii(nk:109) at org.osbot.fB.IIIiIiiIiiii(gf:44) at org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent.execute(vg:86) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(hl:133) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(hl:122) at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(vi:503) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking.webWalk(de:159) at main.onLoop(main.java:704) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ih:92) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  3. Was there any problems with the connectivity before the power supply crashed? Please list your Computer specs, and when you purchased it. Do you have antivirus software? What operating System? Desktop or laptop? What brand of router are you connecting to? Based on the description of what you have to do to fix the connectivity problem, I am thinking it is software/driver related. When you reset your pc or manually disable the connection and re-enable it, you are forcing it to establish a new connection to your router, getting a new ip address, what it should be doing already. Do you run system/windows updates? If the cable works on other computers but not your ethernet connection, then your network card is not functioning properly, either a bad driver, or update of some sort, unless it has failed completely. The date and time problem sounds like it could be related. I need to know your pc specs before I can add more ideas about the problems. Im a computer technician, so I want to help.
  4. i like how you just went and posted on like 10 different threads to get your post count up...
  5. Started A Tech Support Service

  6. lol none of that is ever necessary to remove viruses. Simplely restart windows in safe mode, run full scan malwarebytes. Run tdss killer and remove anything it finds and done. Simple as that.
  7. Make sure you have all your chart, sextant, and watch. you wont trigger the wizard without those.
  8. I think the community is already pretty active, its the freakin devs/admins that are barely on the forums.
  9. Issue not solved... I would agree that the signatures are not pornographic, but they are implicating or expressing sexuality. Hence breaking the "sexual expression/implication" clause of that rule.
  10. Strange box and Sandwich lady are both broken.
  11. Im having the same problem. Still wont login.
  12. Lol its funny he keeps talking about a a keylogger.. He obviously doesnt know the difference between any kind of malware. Keyloggers do not do anything except record keystrokes and create a log that is then emailed to the hacker. No control of mouse or keyboard whatsoever. " and we are did virus scan" Someone needs about another 10 years of education for that stupidity. I would be willing to bet my left nut that you installed more than osbot and java on a new computer. especially because you said you have antivirus. Which obviously sucks. Get a real antivirus and dont be a fucktard. Learn how to navigate the internet and not be a tool. /end schooling PS: you look retarded in your profile pic you wannabe gangster...
  13. You posted this under Forum Support. This should be moved to Client support. In addition, I too have been experiencing the same problem.
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