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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. l000000000000000000000000000l Put : Contact me for bot farms somewhere
  2. Wear one with @Maldesto garbage admin
  3. Jerry


    I have void mage/range and 91 range.
  4. When using mirror at 50ms I died twice out of the 2 runs within 15sec.
  5. Get mirror, I've botted far more aggressively than you have and I'm still going strong haha
  6. Grow up honestly, baiting for a reaction and than shame him afterwards
  7. Jerry


    Is all what I see. I have not done anything that warrant a ban afaik as I was using the chatbox tonight just fine and I haven't really said anything at all
  8. Jerry


    Is the chat gone or it just me? It only says: "Click here to join our discord" And the Discord doesn't look very active.
  9. Jagex has allowed account sharing IF the account isn't used for anything malicious. What kind of service are you asking for?
  10. Jerry


    I second this :)!
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