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Everything posted by jamnjazz

  1. debating getting vip. worth for mirror mode? iv noticed people having errors with mirror mode are the same errors i was having and i was using injection so thinking maybe its just in the persons settings as long as you are positive it can do the required number of chest loots per trip as set without running out of food or p pots in the trip i dont think it will break. been running two accounts on injection for about 6 hours a day for 2 days now one has a 2 day ban from a week ago from this script. thinking i need mirror asap to reduce risk yeah?
  2. yes that is what i was trying to say lol. fyi frost said dont use mirror mode this script doesnt so much support it...at least well...many people have the same issue always comes down to not using mirror
  3. im running 2.57.31 is that okay to use still or should i get this new version?
  4. here is my proggy of a trip i just started lol awesome luck
  5. at 56 i stopped shortly after but did it on 2 different accounts both are safe not banned i am going to continue with getting 75 magic on the one posted in a few days time when i find time to use the phone while not being able to use my phone lol.
  6. bot cant handle returning to tunnels to finish run it can only finish a run that has not started tunnels otherwise it will do what you just said and sit without logging while spamming errors. be sure to bring enough ppots and food and correct gear with armor for tunnels travel to decrease the amount of damage taken also prayers while traversing tunnels. i set my order to all random, been working well. avoid clan wars telly "highly botted telly spot" lots of people report barrows type bots and dragon killer bots that show up there. sooo avoid that telly at all cost imo. make sure your chest count per trip is low enough and try to have a small amount of food and prayer pots left in inventory before the bot leaves barrows so you can avoid it running out of supplies down in the tunnels because thats always going to break it til the scripter fixes that. i realllly hope the info iv been providing him helps, iv been try my best to post all errors reguarding this issue because its one that gets people banned alot and i see lots of accounts sitting while im botting sooo yeah frost- im pretty sure the problem is with the tunnels and running out of supplies while down there and the script forgets what to do when it comes back. i noted that when teleporting out of tunnels while running out of supplies before finishing the chest looting it wants to save the info for the last brother that was killed or needs to be slayn in the toggle logger. when it comes back it goes to the specific tomb that it saved and when it notices that the brother was slayn or that it is tunnels it chooses to walk up stairs and then breaks. sorry if this was repetitive...im just trying to helps as much as possible. by the way love the script i have found work arounds from the error in my settings but if i get unlucky with prayer or food inside of the tunnels then it still might just break however iv set my account with alot of p pots and protections with armor for my traversal. was able to babysit a 6 hour session np.
  7. noticed a huge error that can happen mainly with low def lvl accounts and low hp accounts. says disabling prayers but what really happened is that i was in the tomb and finished with the rewards to now move on to opening the chest. however i had no food when this happened and low hp and a skelly hit me when i opened the chest causing the script to telly out via method used (lumby tabs) on the way back to barrows it opened a cript and noticed that all cripts and brothers were finished but it didnt know what to do next so it opted with disable prayers and gave these errors so i logged it out so i wont get reported for standing on the hill. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:03 AM]: WARNING: Low health and no food.. Exiting [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:03 AM]: DEBUG: LastTunnel set to Karil the Tainted [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:37 AM]: DEBUG: InteractionEvent has timed out [4000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:41 AM]: DEBUG: Reached lumbridge bank [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:42 AM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:43 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Vial [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:44 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Coins [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:46 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Vial [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:46 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Blood rune [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:47 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Mind rune [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:48 AM]: DEBUG: Item: Chaos rune [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:54 AM]: DEBUG: Withdrawing food [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:55 AM]: INFO: You don't have enough inventory space to withdraw that many. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:56 AM]: DEBUG: Setting state: Bank close [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:56 AM]: INFO: Health restoration required [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:57 AM]: INFO: You eat the monkfish. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:16:57 AM]: INFO: It heals some health. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:00 AM]: INFO: You eat the monkfish. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:00 AM]: INFO: It heals some health. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:00 AM]: INFO: Health restored [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:00 AM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:01 AM]: DEBUG: Withdrawing food [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:03 AM]: INFO: You don't have enough inventory space to withdraw that many. [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:03 AM]: DEBUG: Setting state: Bank close [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:04 AM]: INFO: Finished organizing [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: INFO: Arrived at barrows [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Torag the Corrupted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Karil the Tainted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Dharok the Wretched to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Guthan the Infested to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Ahrim the Blighted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: DEBUG: Set state of Verac the Defiled to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: INFO: Order: NUL[] {Torag the Corrupted, Karil the Tainted, Dharok the Wretched, Guthan the Infested, Ahrim the Blighted, Verac the Defiled [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:08 AM]: INFO: First enemy: Torag the Corrupted [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:09 AM]: DEBUG: Enabling auto retaliate [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:23 AM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:23 AM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:24 AM]: DEBUG: Enemy defeated! [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:24 AM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to false [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:25 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:27 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:29 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:31 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:31 AM]: Script FrostBarrows has paused! [WARN][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:36 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:36 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:17:36 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:32 AM]: Script FrostBarrows has resumed! [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:32 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:34 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:37 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:39 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:41 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:43 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:45 AM]: Terminating script FrostBarrows... [WARN][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:50 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:50 AM]: Failed to send progress data [INFO][Bot #1][01/17 03:19:50 AM]: Script FrostBarrows has exited!
  8. i changed them to random for all what do you suggest for order? i had them set as dh/varac/ahrim/torag/karlis/guthans also never had ecto set but il look into it and reset my settings
  9. Still ignoring the errors I posted... disappointed that I spent money on this now....this script is 100% not stable and will get you banned...
  10. got hit by a ban, i think it was due to the bot breaking too many times and standing on top of the mounds for like an hour or so pretty disapointed...thought this script would be more stable...couldnt get the damn thing to stop breaking on me....and no i dont use ecto tbh everything i did on my settings were perfectly fine...i saw others with this error and no resolutions on it just seems like they were ignored...so idk this is kinda lame and im not out 10 bucks and an account when i only just bought the script a few hours ago....
  11. may i please use this trail for a bit longer? i was getting bugged out all day yesterday while trying to figure out the script. kept getting the same errors but and i think it was related to the clan wars teleport or maybe use barrows killcount set up for tunnels option. i ended up unchecking that and was able to run for a good hour then i logged out because i dont want to push my time limit for botting ? dont want a ban. so if you could please let me use this for a tad bit longer i would surly appreciate it and il be buying the script most likely tomorrow once i find out how to run the script without failing so often and having to babysit
  12. Lol fucking around surprised it works Still no ban ?
  13. at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [ERROR][Bot #1][01/12 11:17:43 PM]: Error in script executor! i get this issue too idk what it is
  14. [ERROR][Bot #1][01/12 10:25:36 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at frostbarrow.b.cOn.g(ob:186) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.m(ic:1023) at frostbarrow.e.COM2.G(ic:155) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ld:76) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) happened to me 2 times now im not sure if it helps but this kept repeating. both times it happened though i found that it used a telly tab to leave barrows after killing a brother in the tomb underground and did not proceed with getting the % for rewards then logged out due to error in script executor. thank you for your time im enjoying the trial and will purchase as soon as i earn 15m to buy vouchers
  15. does this have a break handler? wont let me use the clients keep logging me out when i try.
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