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Posts posted by azn2000

  1. Oh and i forgot to thank @Explv again for the great work at his AIO ? Really helping a lot dude, fixed some critical bugs for my routine :) 

    I can really advice you to also use his AIO and if you find Bugs @Explv will jump in to fix it, or somebody else, its Open Source that's always a bonus :D



    Oh and could you guys (and girls?) give me a feedback if you like these long posts or not. If you don't like them i will do shorter ones.

    • Heart 1
  2. 24.01.2019

    It's pretty early around here, in the last days i refactored a lot of the stuff i wrote before. So now it's much cleaner and expandable (by far cleaner), i've ran a stability test with 10 bots from fresh account till money making, before the bot where mule dependent to get there resources to do the money making method, now they are independent, broke the automuling in the process... well need to implement and fix this in the coming days.

    Currently the Bots do the following in this order (Takes about 1 Hour to reach #5) :

    1. Do Tutorial Island

    2. Earn staring cash, by chopping 30 Logs lol (My money maker requires some starting cash, not much)

    3. Do quest

    4. Sell logs to ge


    6. loop #5, till dead


    The aftermath for the stability test:

    Notes for this test:

    1. I disabled the autostart, i was drinking some beers in a bar with a mate and to see if the bots are still running i disabled it(And yeah im a little bit tipsy, best time to write a post ?

    2. Automuling is disabled because its broken


    1 Bot died early, even before moneymaking (need to look into why, not even the script crashed, the whole client ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

    9 Bots ran for 6 hours straight, which are good news


    So in total they got 2.258M in this 6 hours:

    2.258M GP / 10 Bots / 6 Hours = 37k GP/H

    2.258M GP / 9 Bots / 6 Hours = 41k GP/H (Excluding the crashed one..)

    2.258M GP / 10 Bots / 5 Hours = 45k GP/H (Excluding setup time)

    2.258M GP / 9 Bots / 5 Hours = 50k GP/H (Exluding setup time and crashed bot)


    Looking really good at the moment. I hope i can re-implement the automuling in the next days, then i will do an other test run, and if that is successful i will rent my first server and set it up. (Keep in mind the last test was with 20 Bots and it got nearly the same results, so really great)

    By tomorrow all the little slaves will be banned RIP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. I needed a easy way to track which bot is running which account, so yeah.

    You can change the Title and the icon with this. Have fun :DPreview_Title.gif.a707d74dfe0e46990651fd3f543d66fc.gif

    import sun.swing.SwingAccessor;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class OSBotBar {
        private static Image iconNormal;
        private static Image iconRed;
        private static Image iconGreen;
        private static JFrame frame;
        private static String title;
        public static void setTitle(String name){
            if(frame == null)
            if(title == null)
                title = frame.getTitle();
            if (frame != null) {
                frame.setTitle(title + " - " + name);
        public static void setIcon(Icon icon){
            if(iconNormal == null || iconRed == null || iconGreen == null)
            switch (icon){
                case GREEN:
                case RED:
        private static void getIcons(){
            if(frame == null)
            iconNormal = frame.getIconImage();
            ImageProducer prodRed = new FilteredImageSource( iconNormal.getSource(), new ColorFilter(0xffff0000) );
            ImageProducer prodGreen = new FilteredImageSource( iconNormal.getSource(), new ColorFilter(0xff00ff00) );
            iconRed = frame.createImage(prodRed);
            iconGreen = frame.createImage(prodGreen);
        private static void getFrame(){
            Window[] windows = Window.getWindows();
            for (Window window : windows) {
                if (window instanceof JFrame) {
                    JFrame jFrame = (JFrame) window;
                    if (jFrame != null && jFrame.getTitle().contains("OSBot ")) {
                        frame = jFrame;
        public enum Icon{
    class ColorFilter extends RGBImageFilter
        private int filter;
        public ColorFilter(int filter)
            this.filter = filter;
            canFilterIndexColorModel = true;
        public int filterRGB( int x, int y, int rgb )
            return (rgb & filter);


    • Like 5
  4. 20.01.2019

    Today was a good one, ironed out some bugs, and found some minor new ones.

    Started 20 Bots for 3 Hours, all did Tutorial Island, 7qp and then there money making task, fully automated.

    Also dropping the stuff on the mule worked, which is nice, because on the 19.01, I found a big bug that was breaking the auto muling.

    Made 1.9M GP in the process, not bad for a test run I would say. So for the next days I need to fix the bugs I've found, they lowered my GP/H but didn't effect the overall stability for the full automation.

  5. Introduction

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    my name is azn2000, at least for this community, I'm 26 years young and not a native English speaker, so I would like to apologize in advance for my crude English.

    I've started programming stuff for OSBot on the 6th of January, yes this year, this is also my registration date. Never botted runescape before or even wrote a lot in Java, but I did programming for quite some time as a Hobby (C#) \o/

    Finally I ended up in University hitting the Java island, wuhu..

    Well to learn more about Java i decided to look around for a project and i found something to sink my time into. Because I want to practice my Java Skills I decided to write all programs in it. But now lets go on with the plan.

    The Plan

    In the end this should be a mass gold farm, or at least the Backbone for it. Why only a backbone?! Well the answer is simpler than you think: I haven't decided yet how far i will go, BUT I will try to push it, if I still have interest in it and the returns aren't to bad ^_^

    So the main plan isn't to hit a fucktrillion in income. It's more about the journey to write stuff and share it with people that like to read about it. (Well the last part was not planed from the beginning)

    For the moment I will stick to F2P.


    As everybody and there mother write GP goals in there Thread I will follow, but this list will be expanded as i break higher Goals:

    One-time Daily Goals [Record: 2.2m GP]

    • 10m GP in one day
    • 25m GP in one day
    • 50m GP in one.. I think you guys got it
    • 100m GP
    • 250m GP

    Per day (median over 7 days)

    • 10m GP
    • 25m GP
    • 50m GP
    • 100m GP
    • 250m GP

    Total [4.158M GP]

    • 10m GP
    • 25m GP
    • 50m GP
    • 100m GP
    • 250m GP

    The Setup

    Currently I'm running a webserver which handles a SQL Database and a API i've wrote in PHP, WELL AZN YOU SAID ONLY JAVA?! well fuck it in that regard, all other stuff will be in Java, I was already paying for a webserver and I could easily reuse it for this task..

    All accounts are saved in the Database so when i launch a new Server or a new instance, already made accounts can be taken out of it, also the slaves and mules communicate over it. I've also added basic tracking features to it so i can track here my bots are and so on, but need to write an web interface to see stuff and interact with it.

    Accounts will be automatically created and saved to the Database. They are AES256 encrypted by the way. Don't really trust that hoster that much lol.

    My backbone for the bot is Explv's AIO. Big shout out to @Explv, really like the work he (also his other tools are really helpful) and the other contributors have done on that Open Source project.

    I'm not using the GUI, i'm basically using only the lower level stuff from the AIO, to have a Tutorial, 7 Quest-points, pretty much flawless, that would have been to much testing to be done additionally. 

    Writing my own moneymaking tasks / automuling etc.


     - Automated Account creation and feeding them into the database DONE

     - Automatic Login and retrieve automatically a new one and start over with it, in case the previous account was banned/locked DONE

     - E-Mail client that automatically verifies the E-Mail with the account

     - Automuling, with world switching, to the mule's world because of world hop restriction, also with a meetup area, kind of done, needs more testing

     - Only got like 4 custom made money making scripts, some of them are decent gp/h will run with them for the moment but need further improvement



    I've got a lot of work done today, but after 14 hours of coding I don't want to see the IDE anymore and wanted to write something more chilled, so here we are \o/

    I've wrote the automuling today, finally. It's more crude then i like but everybody need to start somewhere. I need to do some testing with it. Currently I'm running the free OSBot Version, probably need to upgrade in some days to fully test it.

    Also I was thinking about getting my first server done in the next few days. It's just a VPS but it doesn't run anything at the moment so i could reuse it. Need to look into setting something up on it.

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  6. My bot got stuck on Romeo and Juliet, he didnt pick up a berry and went to the apothecary, then got stuck on the dialog -> because the options wouldnt match.

    I cant figure out why this could happen, because the logic does make sense and should prevent it from happening.. I'm a little confussed ?



    I wasn't watching the bot before only notices that he got stuck. So i dont know what happend before.

    Restarted the bot and he is completly stuck, hmm time to figure it out lol


    Ok i checked the config -> 144 (Progress of Romeo & Juliet) its @ 0x32 / 50 so its the correct state hmm


    Edit 2:

    It's a problem with the cutscenes, he doesnt do the continue part.

    • Like 1
  7. Of course not, would the head developer burn his business down for 30$ worth of GP? Probably not.

    Well maybe your keylogger friend is not online at the moment, he will take care of your 800+ mil, when he gets back online :)

  8. I was planing to do something simular, or more or less the same, doing mostly research atm, writing little snippets and such.

    But havent really started the big hive mind ? (why are these smiles soooo big)

    But you inspired me to write about the journey aswell, and when i got the plan written down I will share it :) 

    (And need to write proper english with error checking and such...)



    Oh i got some questions (im working on my layout atm)

    - Do you have a central db, from what ive seen you only have a db per server(?) If so why not a central db? Would make the server setup a little easier, also the management with a central command panel.

    - I was thinking of a max mule age, aspecialy for the lower tier, maybe even all with different time settings, so if a mule goes over the max age a new mule will be rolled out and take the place of the old one (minimizing losses, hopefully), and taking there funds before the old one goes to hell. What do you think of that idea?

    - And an there thing if read was that you create the Accounts on an other machine (probably with an other ip), why do you do that, logistical reason, or do you just want to seperate the account creation from the bot. In my testing you dont get ip blocked if you only create one account per ~1 minute. You could use the bot to create it with the ip so you easily bypass that.

    • Like 1
  9. @Koschei yeah true that, maybe looking into that, but then i would need a provider where i can switch every ~8 minute

    and with multiple bots doing the same thing, i would need a method/provider that also supports that kind of thing..

    Or does anybody know a rotating socks provider where you can use multiply rotating socks at the same time?


    yeah thanks for the tipp with the login, i will propably go for that, but for now i will just keep them in my db for around a week and then check for there status.

  10. Well they are looking for patterns, so yeah they can detect 3rd party software..

    So with every ban they get more data about specific scripts and can ban people, if you do 500 actions in a specific order with mouse movement.

    What script you where running?

  11. 1IP per Account is not an option. If runescape would support ipv6 maybe, but with that its not cost effective to do that for me right now.


    I'm creating accounts right now so i got always some laying around if i need them later on.

    I do not care if a chunk of them gets banned, they are disposable anyway.


    So i guess i will not touch them till i need them and will see if they are banned..

  12. Currently im mass creating accounts (for my scale with free osbot, got around 150 created so far), and got like 50 past tutorial island.

    The way I set it up is that I have a database where I store the accounts and automaticly pull one to do tutorial island.

    After that it gets marked as done, and i would like to dont flag it with an other ip till i need (burn) them.

    Does anybody know of a method, maybe a publc database which i could scrape, to get the account status without login into the account?



    Does a method exist to check for the account status without logging into the account?

  13. @kramnik for me its still working great(i just started my farm and he passed the survival section)..

    do you have the latest release from github?

    in the sourcecode he trys to use the shrimp to cook it maybe bring your one account past that and test after that with an other.



    just got 4 accounts past that point so maybe you missing the log or the shrimp?



  14. Yup really awesome script, hooked up a custom login handler with database support and rolled out 40 new little slaves today.

    For me it got stuck once or twice at the gates, but could also be that my modifcations fucked something up ?

    Btw my first post here lol

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