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  • Location:
    Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. How many hours a day, any breaks? Congrats btw :]
  2. Aggressive botting, I like it. Surprised if you'd get away with a 21 hour session though
  3. Would like a trial please?
  4. @Malcolm any news regarding the paint?
  5. I'm sorry my man, that's the risk you take. At least it ended now instead of you being friend-zoned
  6. You gotta be banned alot of times to have your IP flagged imo, just use any bot that isn't broken and mix up your skills every hour, take breaks. You'll be fine after trial and error
  7. No I didn't, why don't you play your main and then bot afterwards when you log out? That's what I did
  8. You shouldn't have problems selling that account, it's really nice. I'd say 300m ish
  9. Service has been finished by someone else! Cheers
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