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Trade With Caution
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About Furky

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  1. Someone changed the email's password and it wasn't me. Must have been you or your friend since password was the same as rs log in pass. I'm not refunding shit since I didn't recover your account.
  2. yes I did.. it was the same as the log in password and you or the guy you sold to changed it. If I never gave how did you sell it on PA then if it's against the rules to sell an acc without the original email..?
  3. he gave me email adress and it's not the same password anymore.
  4. I can't log to the acc.. Keven must have changed the details since he sold it.
  5. Ok.. but I don't remember LOG IN details ( I have made over 10 accounts in the past 3 months) or email.. I need Keven to give me the details I gave and try and recover it ..
  6. I don't have log in details, like I said I gave them when I sold the account. So how can I help/recover an acc I don't have access to ?
  7. I didn't recover shit and you have the log in details
  8. Wtf is this.. I don't have access to the account - I don't see what the problem is if you guys have all the log in details and changed emails etc.. how can I help if I dont even remember account details ? - Also.. Did you MM this trade Jams ? - I also need to know the exact date and time this " recover " happened and log in details - I guess we could wait for Keven to open his own dispute, unless someone knows what the fuck is going on
  9. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed Desert Treasure, Lunars, def quested.. rune gloves.. 5. The price you will be starting bids at : 30m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: N/A 7. The methods of payment you are accepting: RSGP 8. Your trading conditions: You First or MM 9. Account status: 2 day ban Jan 15' ( it's in spanish bcuz im Mexican but I could get the english pic if asked. ) 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: Me
  10. Close thread, fuck Jams.
  11. Well if you actually did your job right instead of just using your fucking service as a middle men you could price check order's or make a list or something fucking usefull Not just invite your worker to a conv with a client and " let them handle it " Do your fucking job right.
  12. -In the past 3 weeks I have earned from Jams Service less than 3m. - I have taken order's that never went through.. - And I need to get a refund, this is INSANE how can you not refund me when I have made less than 3m in more than 3 weeks. ( Taking orders )
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