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Everything posted by Minted

  1. I think it’s clear I was joking :P
  2. Thanks, awesome work. Will be sure to try it in an hours time! I'll post my experience
  3. Could I get a trial please? ;D
  4. Thank you for the trial! Really enjoying the script so far :D, happy new year too.
  5. Could I get a trial please?
  6. Oh, I understand. And oh, are you able to tell us why the script was denied?
  7. Really cool of you to release the source code, was using this AIO for a while, (as you know because of my bug report lol), was actually a really nice free script. Thanks for releasing the source code, many people including myself will use your code as a reference point throughout my journey to create a script which isn't dog shit.
  8. Why make it open source? (just curious, not trying to be a dick)
  9. From what I understand, the OSBot API has an AI mouse moving function, so that the developers don't have to code it. From my understanding, this would mean that the movements wouldn't be linear, or teleporting across the screen. I have also discovered the 'anti-ban' What are the needed features of an 'anti-ban'? I don't quite understand what the 'anti-ban' system a developer would put in place actually does - whilst the name obviously states that it's gonna stop you from getting banned, but what kind of things does it do to prevent that? I assume it changes your camera yaw, AFK delays, move outside of screen, change the mouse click delay? I'm really not quite sure. Why is it optional in most scripts? I have used multiple scripts by @Czar which have the option for to enable anti-pattern, which I don't quite understand. Surely you'd want this on? It's just an unneeded option from what I understand. Any help would be nice, I would like to extend my knowledge. My friend @Tacts is developing a script which hopefully the community will enjoy, and will be on the SDN. If you'd like more information on said script, check out this thread: Thank you!
  10. I suppose that's true, but you can always just disable rendering through OSBot settings and the GUI is still drawn
  11. The UI hasn't caused any performance drops, I have tested it with a number of friends, they all have different specs. One of them has a terrible computer which runs average 60-100 fps on Minecraft, and his FPS is always at max framerate (50) whilst using the script. And thank you, hopefully the script will be on the SDN once it's complete.
  12. Yeah. it appears there isn't any scripts offering an internal UI, however in FPS styled games they are very popular. The developer (@Tacts) of the script has been coding in Java for 5 years, & C++ for 3 years. It's quite interesting seeing how different communities have different styles of cheats. I personally underestimated the power of Botwatch, didn't realise how effective it was due to how old the game is. On my personal account I am CB lvl. 80, and I bot 1-2 hours a day in different skills, have been doing so for a few months and really enjoying it. I hope the concept of an internal UI will help further the progression of Runescape cheats - even though it's a graphical improvement it demonstrates a developers capabilities pretty well
  13. The trail will be completely optional, most people like being able to see the mouse movements being made by the bot - for some reason it makes most users feel safer knowing what movements the bot is making. And i'm glad you enjoy the GUI ;D
  14. My friend @Tacts has been developing a script for a few days now, which will feature a internal UI. I have took to the forum for ask for feedback, as he has put alot effort into the script & we would like to know what the community thinks. Above is a poll which will help us determine whether the feedback is positive or negative. The GUI is a similar concept to a CS:GO cheat UI. A GIF can be seen below. https://gyazo.com/f64f42764c99d890a200f7e0d646ae04 The script itself is done, it just needs to be implemented into this UI.
  15. Could I get a free trial please? Many thanks.
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