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Everything posted by raiph

  1. I can get free trial brou?
  2. as they say with that bug 110b were generated in 1 day .. which has been one of the biggest leaks of gold that the game has had. and they were blocking everyone who talks about it.
  3. I would like to know if this page is reliable, thanks for your opinion
  4. @Keyster99 Venezuela mano! primera vez q veo a un latino en un foro de botting :,v
  5. any way to practice bosses that is not in tournament? some private server?
  6. they should add an option to notify on the pc when a random event appears ... I think I'm not the only one who would like that option. Greetings. Excuse me if I have spelling errors, is that I speak little English.
  7. Rogue Outfit,2 dragon defender, Agility Outfit, Monkey madnes 1,Lunar diplomacy, dream mentor, undergraud pass, the fremenerik trials.. and more...
  8. hi! this good script! I have two observations ... they should increase their interaction speed .. if they modified that ... they would have the possibility of doing 3000 / ph unf potions .. the second observation ... they should increase the cleaning speed of the herb. good script!
  9. espero ganar :v y pues si soy latino :vvvvv saludos que viva latinoamerica! <33333333
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