LMAO how u get butthurt over that are you a oracle or something how could you know what are my intentions?
"hEy mY nAmE iS lUkEyThReESevEnTwO ivE BeEn oN tHe fOrUmS FoR 800 dAyS, iAm a MaNcHiLd, i aLwAyS hAvE sOmeThIng tO wHinE aBoUt, mY aRse bLeEdS iF sOmEoNe wRiTeS oN tHe iNtErNeT WiTh CAPS ON, I hAvE nEvEr dOnE aNyThInG eLsE iN mY LifE tHaN PlAyEd RS." just stfu -.-
I will not be selling these accounts via pm
1. the other acc pc was for my friend
2. I have been warned about selling accounts before 100 posts, so i will not be doing it again.
3. I aint recovering shit back i genuinely DGAF, cuz im not obsessed with this game that i play rn 4 nostalgia :DDDD
Its a different thing if some1 wants to buy something offsite.