Looking for a good script for combat was wondering if i could test it for 2 days? im shopping around looking for one still debating on just buying a private script Pls let me kno!
im willing to buy the script i just need something thatll create accounts under the proxies i am buying ive seen them around they are just old or people are no longer working on them please help! i need it to support Proxies user/passwords
Disputed Member: D Bolter
Why it should be removed: He did fast service i was mad at him sorry wont happen again
Details:we got into arguement
Link to topic:https://osbot.org/forum/profile/10518-d-bolter/?tab=node_feedback_Feedback
doesnt tell me anything it just logins but doesnt start the script for some reason will with downloaded scripts no problem
honestly just give me the jar and id fix the problem i dont think that code works make error between osbot??