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Everything posted by colt45w

  1. colt45w


    awesome, thank you for being quick on the fix.
  2. colt45w


    Its not eating Salmon or Lobster and ClanWars teleport is not working, it tries to run from edgeville to ferlox and gets stuck on south side of ferlox in wildy.
  3. Digging the bot so far! One little hiccup though that hopefully someone can help me fix. Is there any reason it runs all the way to falador to fill up the watering can? I have multiple full ones in my bank, seems kind of weird that it wont use my teletabs to get there either, literally chooses to run from catherby all the way there to refill the can before logging out for its wait time break
  4. So I unfortunately got a 2 day ban while using this script Saturday night. Was just wondering if the antiban is not working properly? I watched the bot run for a while, and on two occasions that randoms popped up it totally ignored them. I'm thinking its supposed to respond to them? Not sure if that is the bot client or the script though that should be responding to randoms. Any guidance would be awesome.
  5. I just ran into a bit of a bug I believe. I am trying to fish and bank leaping trout and salmon, but the bot continues to try to fish bait fish near the bank instead of going back to the leaping fish spots. Is this perhaps because I am using bait instead of feathers? I am an ironman currently and couldn't travel to get feathers. Thanks for any help
  6. Got this Script last night. Just wanted to leave a quick review and info for everyone. Cooked up a little over 1000 Trout and 500 Salmon. Worked great, loved the life like movements and the occasional pauses as if the player is not paying attention or is afk. I'm a member using Mirror Mode. Will update for everyone as I progress, started at 37 Cooking, up to 53 now. I only bot a few hours a day max. Good product Apaec ? I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a reliable Chef ?
  7. I just returned to Runescape after many years gone because of the mobile update. Of course I still have my main account on RS3 but I just never could get into the new combat system and kind of lost interest in botting after Nexus got shut down. Got Czars Perfect Fishing last week and am very happy with it! Started out F2P barbarian fishing around lvl 20, decided since I didn't get banned to get membership last night! Lvl 58 fishing now, only botting a few hours max per day on Mirror mode. Really just wanted to say thank you Czar for the wonderful product! And leave a review for those on the edge of purchasing, I feel its 100% worth it so far. I will give occasional updates on my progress for everyone as well. Happy Botting!?
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