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  1. Ive progressed from 40 mining to 70 in literally like 3 days of botting 10-12 hours a day. This script is fantastic Khaleesi and ive used a lot of other scripts you've made an have never been disappointed! I would like to know however, if the mining pet is obtained whilst using the script, will it bank the pet or just leave it out? Not a really big deal as you cant really die in MLM, but I would like to know anyway. Again, keep up the great work!
  2. Canafis course is broken, it just stays at the beginning and doesnt click anywhere?
  3. Bug Report: Mirror Mode Potion: Stamina Potion Description: Script doesnt make potion, I click run and it stays idle doing nothing.
  4. Hey Czar, big fan of your scripts and I own a few already. Was wondering if I was able to get a trial for this one before I buy? Cheers mate
  5. airbane


    When I run the bot, it clicks on the ores right after they are mined. Looks kinda botty, like as soon as the ore is depleted, it will click again and try to mine the rocks, then continue. Anyway to fix this or is it in my settings somehow?
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