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Everything posted by ity94

  1. Been testing this script on a fresh account (yes i knot ill prob get banned) but it seems to work great! As stated by Apa, if using progressive mode, its a good idea to babysit it as the web walking to next rooftop can be a bit iffy. My main suggestion would maybe be to add a feature of 'Hop world after 'x' minutes or laps' or something like that, and if its at all possible do it in a way so it will never hop back to a world it was in recently. Personally i believe this would help with ban rates a fair bit, especially when used properly in conjunction with breaks etc. If youre never really in the same world for say more than 10-20 minutes (or whatever one personally decides) i believe the chances of getting reported (by player only) would drastically decrease. Just something to think about I guess Top script though Apa!
  2. Hey mate was just wondering, does this support any form of ring of duelling support? Im doing this to cut and bank teaks at castle wars, i know its not the most popular method but thought id mention it to see if its an easy add.
  3. Hey mate, just recently purchased your sand crabs script and got myself to 70/70/70, its a ripper! Was hoping to get a trial on your rooftop script before buying as agility is one im a little suspect on! Cheers mate! I would like a trial of : APA ROOFTOP AGILITY I would like a trial because: Loved your sand crabs script, just a little iffy on agility scripts so would love to try before i buy!
  4. Hey mate, been having a read of your scripts and they look top of the line! Any chance i could get a trial on perfect runecrafter? Just hoping to see a couple of them in action and if they're as good as they look i think ill be getting the lot! Sincerely, Ity
  5. Awesome script mate, becoming a big fan of your work! Only thing i could suggest is the toggling of 'run' to help speed things up and look a little more human like. Not many people just walk everywhere when they have 100% energy! Minor issue though, great script! Also actually, not sure if its just me but im unable to minimize the paint. The 'X' is there, but when you click it nothing happens. Another minor issue but would be awesome to get it working again so i can see if people are talking to me! Cheers
  6. Awesome script! Just got confused because it was clicking the spot and everything for me in Draynor Village, but after moving on to Barb village and re-reading the OP a few times i realize it wasn't meant to. Works as stated/intended though and rather well! Would be awesome if it stopped its path a bith closer to the fishing spot in barb though as if i forget to check it for 5 mins i can be standing out in the open just still and not logging out. Still a cool script though!
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