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  1. Does this bot support seaweeds also can you set it up to log in every 90 min to collect herbs or seaweed note replant and log?
  2. With the new update yesterday to osbot clinic this script get stuck after mining a full inv of ores. What is the estimated time this will be fixed?
  3. hello bot runs great!!! only one problem it gets stuck at the bank while pick pocketing paladins. It stands right in front of the booth but doesn't bank. Can you look into it for me?
  4. I bought this script a year ago and I don't think it is updating because it does not work. How can i update this script?
  5. well syche thanks for being a douche. And by the way i found it by mistake when I went there today someone was leaving and it just happened. just felt like sharing
  6. Found a glitch in runescape can't really abuse it but it will help you out a bit. Requirement need two accounts that have completed tears of guthix and have not done mini game for the week. So player 1 (prefer the one with less quest points) stands just in front of tears of guthix mini game facing the snake. Player 2 (prefer one with more quest points) enters tears of guthix mini game. Player 2 collect tears like normal and etc. Once player 2 exits the mini game he will be standing on player 1, and both players will get the exp that player 2 collected from tears. Note player 1 will not be able to enter mini game after this is done this will use up his once a week quota. Hope this helps you can get a bit more exp if you have a buddy with a lot more quest points do the mini game.
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