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Ragnar Lothbrok

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Ragnar Lothbrok last won the day on October 24 2018

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  1. Banning based on IP probably does more harm that good - most non business lines are dynamic ip meaning legitimate users could be effected. Not to mention that it's so simple to change you're IP.
  2. If you could post your prices instead of your discords please. Also looking for someone to do it all rather than multiple services
  3. Need 77 - 94 mage 47 - 75 range All on 42 def zerker.
  4. Small bug I have noticed is that if you pause the script with logout on completion enabled it will log you out and end the script.
  5. I accept there's always that level of risk and no one really knows. More curious to hear how other people got on if they have tried this. i.e did they get a ban, how long did they do it for ban free ect? Need to weigh up that risk/reward factory xD
  6. Tempted to set-up 3 or 4 bots to run pure ess to my main for faster rc xp. Curious if anyone has any experience with this, i.e is there any know bans on the account that was not botted for this? I expect that my bots will will be ban - I'm just worried about getting chained on my main.
  7. Full quested def with b gloves. Will let it go for 150m 07
  8. Would it be possible to take a snapshot of your current bank layout to save as a preset. I find doing my bank myself more to my taste - however if I could then save this as a preset to load up at a future date to save myself redoing that would be sick
  9. Resolved - it was so long ago I was under the impression I had purchased two accounts when I never. This account was never actually mine. Apologies @gearing Can close this.
  10. I'd like to know the current status of this account, has it been recovered and now in use or even resold? If the account can't be returned then I'd like the full 30m 07 refunded. The account was leveled via nmz to around flat 70's but don't exactly have any proof of that.
  11. Disputed member: @gearing Thread Link: No thread - sale was sorted via discord. However see my previous resolved dispute as it is the same account: Explanation: Back from a long break and tried to log into an account previously supplied by gearing. Password incorrect so try to recover - the following email is attached to the account now: b*********@g****.com This email is inline with the email it was previously reset to in the last dispute and one he mentiond on discord: Evidence: ^^
  12. I sold my EU account on El Dorado, might be worth listing it there bro
  13. how much? fully quested defence an has b gloves
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