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Trade With Caution
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About Ragnar3

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  1. yeah sorry guys, sumit happended on sythe years ago am trying to sort it. I am gutted complety gutted atm.
  2. yeah sorry, Ure anaconda didn't make the top 40 billion. ?
  3. Did u know there are only 3 types of anaconda's who can actually kill an adult human and eat them? Green anaconda, Reticulated python, Burmese python. Green anaconda's average bout 17 feet! But can grow up 29ft and sometimes more!,Reticulated phythons average between 10-20 ft! There was one recorded at 32ft!, Burmese Python average between 10-20 ft the same at the reticulated phyton, But can only grow up to about 23ft! Hope yall enjoyed Ragnar's fun facts day 1 Keep tuned for more!
  4. Do you agree to the TOS? : Yes Whats your skype ? actuvas#3649Whats your partner skype? : mine: Ragnarl1993, his : Mhmd21.yasser Trade type ? : Service/62.5m Do you have me added ? :yes
  5. Ragnar3


    I would get a desktop if that's the case.
  6. I Have noticed a big discuss in places about which is the better sport (MMA or boxing), Which do u think and why? I'm personally a mma guy it's much better fighting and so many ways to win.
  7. Thanks, But heavily disagree on the dog front ?
  8. I can do for 26m Discord: Ragnar#6214
  9. Respect bro!! HAHAHA ure pretty funny dude I like u
  10. it sounds alright tbf, sumit I wud chill while questing to.
  11. ooooh clearly a cat ? cats are awsome
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