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  1. so you want someone to do 100 hours worth in 10 days for this or no payment?
  2. Dunno about OSBot but, Sticktalk just scam quit 10B+ on sythe recently
  3. I think Venezualens have a pretty large part in the price of gold dropping. Their economy is getting worse and worse, which means more and more of them are turning to osrs to make a living. Them bringing in the gold is dropping the price of it quite rapidly.
  4. any chance you plan on adding Zeah RC to this script @Czar?
  5. Uniqlo is pretty damn good for graphic tees
  6. Was just wondering if any players ran a decently sized bot farm on non suicide accounts and how that worked out for them
  7. Mootopia

    Rune alt

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MzsWGPUl_ImOqNLQ5huYJgv_Vp0YB-A5RrDU7uMCHqs/edit?ts=5bf87db4#gid=0 step by step rune dragon alt guide
  8. yeah posting highscores isn't the smartest thing to do
  9. Id say they should be allowed, but if its done automatically (probably will be knowing naked) the memerbship should be applied as the accounts are sold.
  10. Heads up, your not allowed to advertise your website unless you pay for it.
  11. The mules are just for auto collection, they're pretty much a necessity for a gold farming. I store all the gold I collect on a different account
  12. Fancy hire was where you hired Venezuelans to play your account for like 60~ cents an hour right?
  13. Just wondering if this has happened to any one else recently, One of my mule accounts got a manual ban today for just logging in and collecting supplies every 4~ hours, its been logged in while botting a total of like 20 minutes. It was a "fresh" account aswell, is over 2 months old, and has some hand training on it. Only started using it yesterday. This is the first time i've had a mule banned in the last 8 months so I was curious what other people have to say about it, or if it's happened to them recently or anything.
  14. This would be perfect, thanks!
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