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mr illusuan

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  1. Thanks frost! Great script.. (sorry I'm a retard and can't read... "dose" right by prayer pots..)
  2. Curious to why it only withdraws 2 prayer pots when i have it set to 8? withdraws everything else fine
  3. Is there a certain place i need to hunt crimsons at? when i start the bot it just stands there and no paint or nothing pops up
  4. Oh yeah! My bad haha! Ran it last night without dying Do you need to have exactly 0 coins in the invy to log out?
  5. It will no log out when out of money, and I died in combat to an archer. Was babysitting it so i didn't lose anything, but that for sure troughs up a red flag for being a bot :P Besides those to isssues it's a great script just like your others.
  6. First off i want to say I only trust YOUR scripts. I was very excited to get this mining script and it seems really well put together. I have ran into some trouble when I choose my own rock. It just pauses and "calculates". Also while granite mining it drops your full invy even if you choose m1d1.
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