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Everything posted by UncleHard

  1. UncleHard

    Stealth Quester

    Wtf happened to the script so many people saying it’s broken
  2. No he means tryreallyhardbot lmao
  3. UncleHard

    Stealth Quester

    So a fix should be coming soon.
  4. Imgur not blocked like the tabs nor buttons are not loading till i hover my mouse over it and some things in order for the script to work are not loading at all since new client update.
  5. Script seems to be broken on the new client. Gui will not load buttons.
  6. UncleHard

    Stealth Quester

    Are you getting banned when using this?
  7. UncleHard

    Stealth Quester

    Can a change be made to the GE but amounts like just by clicking the increase price button 5-10 times I believe the specific amounts are a ban trigger
  8. Haven't been able to do the twitch prime glitch for the past 2 days getting the oh no error again
  9. It makes you recover the account on the bottom you can put a real email.
  10. Ty Wrong post, also you claim to run 150+ bots but aren’t vip?
  11. Moved a few 40/40/40 accs over to proxies all locked had to recover them back and play them on ip’s that they were created on lol. Doesn’t just apply to tut island proxy botting anymore.
  12. Shoot the last 100 pages Ima look into getting a refund then didn’t really see any complaints until 2 weeks ago
  13. I've already posted in the thread about the bans multiple times and he said he made changes to the script to prevent bans, so maybe you should read a fucking thread for once.
  14. My mirror account got banned using stealth quester.
  15. If i could use injection i would but none of my injection bots are making it past 1 week. Even tried a 2 month old acc botted for 4 hours combat slayer and did 2 quests via stealth with short breaks every 35mins banned next day
  16. UncleHard

    Stealth Quester

    Mirror client with only doing 1 or 2 quests at a time seems to help. Edit: Mirror client acc banned during animal mag only did the prereqs with breaks in between.
  17. Alrighty under the rug it is best of luck lol. I guess its just something that I have to do in order to avoid bans.
  18. Well well well, used mirror mode and for the first time since I last used mirror mode I didn’t wake up to a ban. They detected the shit out of this client the bans are just too consistent even with barely any botting. Will an update be pushed or will this be brushed under the rug and tell ourselves that it isn’t the injection method it’s the script or the amount of playtime or breaks.
  19. Alright i perfect fighter two accounts to 40/40/40 the account i manually walk to the cows not banned the next day, the account i used the walker for to get to the cows banned the next day. Same result on multiple occasions, as crazy as it sounds i think the walker may play a big role in bans.
  20. Paid, hand done tuts let the shit rest for a damn month. Guess its mirror mode only from now on.
  21. Tried everything different ip's hardware id's used breaks botted for 4-5 hours tops switching activities. Next day no matter what I do i wake up to a ban. Is mirror a must now?
  22. Idk man every account i bot on that uses explv's walker gets banned.
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