Never used Perfect Fighter but this script has a low banrate atm problem is though when more and more people use it what tends to happen is that the banrate sky rockets..
Script doesn't loot sometimes and can have trouble looting fire runes for some reason.
You could look into adding some sort of GP/PH indication, would be a nice addition.
Possibly a few new preset monster options would be cool.
i bot for 2hrs and break for 30 no bans atm getting like 30k exp an hr and anywhere from 150-200k gph
probably gonna change to bot for one hour and break for 10-15mins
mate just like to say the script is very good been using it for a few days
just had one problem where if i had a random the script would just kinda stop and wait for the random to leave then it would start attacking druids again idk if thats antiban or just on my end
really good script anyway