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  1. liked! Can i get a trial pls? x
  2. liked! Can i get a trial for this pls? xoxo
  3. liked! could i get a trial pls xx
  4. Liked! Can I get a trial please?
  5. LIKED! Could i get a trial pls
  6. liked! can i get a trial pls
  7. Never got it/still dont see it active?
  8. Can i get a trial pls? xx
  9. I definitely just tried some more wraths, tried lobsters, set it to 80%, doesn't eat after the first initial top up and inevitably end up dying again. Lava runes also still being lame, first inventory always just makes fires, regardless of having earths in invent and all settings appropriately set.
  10. lava runes not working, first inventory of ess each run doesn't click earth runes on the altar, just makes fires. wrath rune running doesn't eat up to %% after taking dmg from dragons also pls add construction cape support
  11. Any chance you'd be able to add construction cape home teleport support? To use jewellery boxes etc
  12. Liked! Could I get a trial for this perhaps? <3
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