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  1. Hi, not trying to make a profit here just want to trade my rs3 gold for some 07. Avg rate on sites are around 6.6m rs3 > 1m 07 and 1m 07 > 5.5m rs3 thinking we could hit the middle so i trading my rs3 gold at a rate of 6.0m > 1m discord: luuge#1781 or just type here
  2. Can I get a free trial? Thinking of how is the banrate while thieving?
  3. Oh so there is no way to code rs script in js?
  4. are all rs script written in java?
  5. I thought scripts where made in javaScript? why is every guide on java?
  6. Yes, Im trying to make a script for an rsps but do you know the reason why bitmap thing wont work??
  7. This is my script trying to steal from a "Stall" , the program can't seem to find the "stall" and i don't know why. Ive got the colors right and it should find it within my BITMAP my it wont. function findStall() { var x = 200, y = 170, width = 700, height = 500; var img = robot.screen.capture(x, y, width, height); var size = (700, 500); var img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, size, size); var multi = img.width / size; ; var stallColors = ["#8e7493", "#424254", "#51093d", "#393946", "#69094e"]; for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var randomX = getRandomInt(0, width-1); var randomY = getRandomInt(0, height-1); var sampleColor = img.colorAt(200 * multi, 170 * multi); if(stallColors.includes(sampleColor)) { var screenX = randomX + x; var screenY = randomY + y; console.log("found stall: " + screenX + "," + screenY + " color " + sampleColor); return {x: screenX, y: screenY} } } // this is the part where im trying to find the stall using colorpixels and bitmap width and lenght. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // this is my whole code. // import the robotjs library var robot = require('robotjs'); // hela functionen av programmet function main() { console.log("Starting..."); sleep(4000); var stall = findStall(); if(stall == false) { //om ingen stall hittar break programet console.log('could not find stall'); } // tar från stall och droppar while (true) { robot.moveMouse(stall.x, stall.y); robot.mouseClick(); sleep(3000); dropSilk(); break; } } //function för att droppa silk function dropSilk() { var inventoryX = 950; var inventoryY = 437; robot.moveMouse(inventoryX, inventoryY); robot.mouseClick('right'); robot.moveMouse(inventoryX, inventoryY + 50); robot.mouseClick(); sleep(3000); } function findStall() { var x = 200, y = 170, width = 700, height = 500; var img = robot.screen.capture(x, y, width, height); var size = (700, 500); var img = robot.screen.capture(0, 0, size, size); var multi = img.width / size; ; var stallColors = ["#8e7493", "#424254", "#51093d", "#393946", "#69094e"]; for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var randomX = getRandomInt(0, width-1); var randomY = getRandomInt(0, height-1); var sampleColor = img.colorAt(200 * multi, 170 * multi); if(stallColors.includes(sampleColor)) { var screenX = randomX + x; var screenY = randomY + y; console.log("found stall: " + screenX + "," + screenY + " color " + sampleColor); return {x: screenX, y: screenY} } } // hittade inte Stall return false; } //sleep funktion används genom att skriva sleep(3000); function sleep(ms) { Atomics.wait(new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(4)), 0, 0, ms); } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } //kör hela programet main();
  8. Hi, New to swapping therefore small margine. My stock is not that big atm therefore small trades are recommended Discord: luuge#1781 Or PM Thanks
  9. Id like a private script pretty simple that auto log out when there is a white dot. Discord: luuge#1781 or PM (I will explain more if you get in contact)
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