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  1. can i get a trial on this at all?
  2. I'm just about 98 fletching using this right now and have been using on and off for some time.
  3. manko


    unless your a smoke too start with there is no need to vape, as its not very good for you and can be worse than smoking cigs.
  4. well the 99s and other skill were got in the last 6 months, so i guess they they stop watching accounts after soon time.
  5. the 3 main accounts i bot on when i do all have expired/quashed bans one has 3 of them all 3/4 years apart and iv botted some 99s, fletching to 20m EXP, agl to 80+ on all 3 and a load more. i think its all down to luck. BTW i use stealth only on them but stopped botting about 2/3 months ago when i stopped playing
  6. i myself have played RS from 2002 on and off and have botted from about 2005, and no changing your IP does not change the mac "A MAC address is a unique identifier for a device on a local network, and is usually permanent. It's assigned to the device's network interface card (NIC) " yes it can be spoofed but not changed unless you get a new route every time you do it. and you say you botted 4 hours on old account and got banned yet here is me botting accounts up to 10+ hours a day with no bans at all, 99 magic from 66 in less than 2 week, 4 account with all over 75+ agl now all botted more than 4 hours a day, so there is some think you are doing to get banned so fast you my not think you are but there has be more than just the client as other have said people are using OSbot for bot farms and doing fine but you on the other hand seem to get banned like mad! and i said about being able to bot before EOC happened as jagex were said not to ban bots for a full year to try and work on making them go away (didn't happen with EOC at all), and just so you know its a AI that flags accounts so they see stuff people will not and pick up on patterns fast. and one last thing you know why you hear more about people getting banned? because people dont moan when and go tell everyone when stuff is going the way they wish but as soon as shit goes tits up they moan about it to everyone they can. PS i looked up to see if sandboxie changed HWID as i know it didn't when i was using it but that my have changed over time but nope it does not this is a reply from a mod on there forums too someone asking if it does "Right now, there is no function to change a HwID. Sandboxie-Plus 1.14.7 will include HideNetworkAdapterMAC, HideDiskSerialNumber and RandomRegUID. Those features will reduce some fingerprinting vectors, but a machine should remain identifiable. Privacy was not a design goal, as far as I can tell, but it's nice to have."
  7. changing IP with your route does not give you a new MAC address, your mac is strict and does not change, and you do know that jagex are fighting bot farms a lot right now so bot farms with be a target and you are making new accounts doing just about the same shit every time and blaming the client for you not being able to get away with what you used too. if you like 10+ years ago i was able to bot for weeks with no breaks at a time and not cop a ban at all but know i go months on end botting short times fine. change your shit more than just a bit, look for ways to stop your accounts looking like bots and if you feel OSbot gets you ban go some were else and use there client/bot. PS forgot to say sandboxie does not spoof your HWID but OSbot does so your ok with that.
  8. if you keep doing the same thing don't you think you my need to change it up a bit as it seems you make it easy for them to spot you, as you said you do the same thing from 1 year ago and in that time there AI that spots bots will see it as a pattern that bots do so will flag the accounts to be looked in too. as they say "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" you my try change how you do things and change up the main thing you bot, try it and see if it helps. and just so you know changing your IP will not change your mac address, so that maybe flagged and not the IP its self, all so maybe a HWID flag as well as they can flag more than just a IP and i bet they do like most games that have a lot of people that cheat like tarkov does HWID flagging and banning meaning even if you buy a new account it will not login and get banned right away.
  9. yer i do quests too get 1st lot of levels out the way.
  10. i been botting 3/4 hours+ on agility on 4 accounts all now 75+ in it and one i left over night and it gone from 54 to 65 and still not banned, but i did use breaks so that my have helped.
  11. it be good just to fletch at the nearest bank as i had it standing at a bank at it ran too seers just to keep making them.
  12. got 99 magic in the last month, 3 accounts to 70+ agl and fish and a load more all with stealth so it my have been more too it.
  13. manko


    just the regular one i was trying to use.
  14. manko


    i tried having one in my bag and it just got the normal one out the bank and used that.
  15. manko


    hay can you add dragon harpoon support at all?
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