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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Man, nobody was talking to your nooby self.
  2. I think you got mixed up, good sir.
  3. Woooooot, someone called me pretty. :wub:
  4. I literally got it for free, not even joking. I told my friend on RS how I wanted a fury and this dude just came up to me and gave it to me. Not even lying. I died laughing that moment.
  5. That's because you're green.
  6. I was just bs'ing around, but it's true.
  7. RoomScape


    If you don't know, then you don't need to know.
  8. RoomScape


    Only noobs care about PC.
  9. Talk shit, get hit. You're a hermit so stfu.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/Nqkk5yM.webm
  11. y u have not one but TWO neutrals? :s

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trustmybet


      Don't really care about fb anymore. I don't even link my fb vouch anymore. If I did, I'd have around 900 rn. The people who have vouched me for the past 2 months did the fb themselves.

    3. Trustmybet


      Did the most orders the past 2 months . Exhausted af.. pretty much explains why im taking a week off Lol

    4. RoomScape


      Haha, same here. I haven't requested fb since I got to like 800 or something. People have been doing it themself and I just leave them back out of courtesy.

      But yeah,still funny.

  12. This keeps me laughing no matter how many times I see it. http://i.imgur.com/HX1Rscm.webm
  13. You need to either learn sarcasm or get some glasses, then. :p And yes, I'm very angry, ggrrr!
  14. One should be able to express their opinion without being shot down either. from biased and objective viewpoints. And I really don't care if people like my posts or not. You just have your head so far up your ass that you think you're so much better than others that your arrogance is blinding you from seeing how annoying you are. People joke here on the forums and you get all serious about everything.
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