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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. People sell OSBot Vouchers for GP. A voucher is basically like a gift card. You purchase it from people and then use the gift card to buy VIP from the OSBot store. Voucher section: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-
  2. My friend said he may be interested. Add my skype - live:roomscape
  3. This is flawed because accounts can be successfully recovered a year later.
  4. Not sure what I'm doing with this account right now. :| I ran out of money for range training so I'm skilling trying to earn some money and yeah... May just make this a main.
  5. RoomScape


    Do you know the last time I created an account? Idk man, that shit looks like LoL.
  6. RoomScape


    Huh? Is this about RS? I thought he was talking about LoL. O.o
  7. RoomScape


    I have RoomScape so yeah.
  8. If I can buy you some with pp or my bank card, add my skype - live:roomscape
  9. OP got @rekt m8 But cheers dude. Don't take things too personally, though. This is the internet. People on here are either joking or are just trolls. Don't let the trolls win. x]
  10. Idk if it's me or what, but it's not working for me.
  11. I know on RS3 I used to use runetracker.com, but I've yet to find a decent one for 07. Anyone know any good ones?
  12. Lmao, no. You get banned regardless of reports or not. I remember someone saying that botting con is so safe because there's no one around to report you, lmfao. You get reported when the system detects certain movement patterns as you play RS. Bots use the same pattern over and over and it's hard for it to use random movements. Even when it uses random movements, it'll use the same random movements over and over this creating a pattern in itself. Humans are very complex so there's no way you can do the exact same action over and over in the same exact manner with minimal deviations. Their system detects which player has more pattern like movements opposed to those with similarly different movements.
  13. I use a damp paper towel and just wipe it. Retina shouldn't mean anything as far as I'm concerned since you're not wiping the pixels, but the glass covering it. And like someone said, if you don't have anything actually sticking on it, and just dust, just take a cloth and wipe it - maybe even blow your breath on it as you wipe, just like you would a phone screen. If you have certain things stuck to the screen, a damp paper towel should suffice for most occasions.
  14. I used to charge deposit fees and it was 100% refunded when you left providing there were no scam reports. But people chose to go with other services and pay a smaller fee and ended up getting scammed by certain people. Pretty funny tbh. But yeah, I never did like charging fee's. I only did because I was responsible for any scams. I'd charge a fee and give it back when they left.
  15. I was the MM for this trade so I can provide proof should you require any.
  16. Why is your signature so got damn big?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Man, add a spoiler to that stuff.

      I'm about to ignore it anyway but yeah.

    3. Orange
    4. RoomScape


      too late.


  17. Man, I ordered brake pads and rotors for my car and the shit came in the wrong size. Apparently, there's two different sizes and the one that I have is the one with the bigger rotor/brake. The mechanic took like 5 tries before getting the right parts too, ffs.
  18. Posting on behalf of @Nike. Disputed Member: @Jamez Thread: I contacted Jamez via skype to create to accounts for me prior to his quitting of service. We agreed on a set price of 16m per account for the follow stats. Here is a picture of the terms we agreed too. Here is picture of me giving payment to Jamez And him confirming that he accepted Him know ignoring me for around 3 days along with no progress on accounts. I would prefer to see this service completed, but will also take full refund of the 32m.
  19. Not my fault you have slow internet.
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