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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. If only I saw this a little earlier.
  2. SoTE was shit -.- Boss fight was easy af and the rest of the quest was pure hell.
  3. My first ever quest cape. I've always quested for other people but rarely did any on my account. Thanks to the quarantine I had plenty of time to get it.
  4. What's up, bro?


  5. Bump, buying another 50m ish.
  6. Online for five days before banned, lmfao.

    1. 1anter


      what did he do?

    2. RoomScape


      Probably ban evading.

  7. https://prnt.sc/ruuf2h https://prnt.sc/ruufq8 Bank is valued at 250m with a bunch of items including full void, fire cape, drag def, full graceful and general items used for every day life. All prayers unlocked along with a maxed POH. Thinking of potentially selling since I don't play much anymore due to work and life. Account is just sitting there doing nothing.
  8. Post pricing. We can do over PM or discord. Not going first, can pay with PayPal (preferred), and not showing ID.
  9. Figured people on here would be cheaper or they’d use bots to run for cheap.
  10. Any, I don't really care. Maybe Astrals or something.
  11. Who can do this and what price? Currently 62 RC and want to get it up. If you have a bot and want to run to trade me then I'm fine with that also.
  12. Does anyone have this and is it useful/worth it?
  13. Do you have a 5b bank or something? I will do Had over TV if you want but not going to do the entire cave with TV. Even Jad is pushing it if TV ends up lagging. Put a bank pin on and take the items out of your bank.
  14. Aye


    1. Saad
    2. RoomScape


      Only fags out two y’s you fag. 

  15. 5m if needed. takes about an hour or less depending on rng.
  16. Can do fire cape if still needed or Jad only for cheap.
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