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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I haven't pm'd someone chatlogs in like 2 years. I know its simple, but so is getting scammed.
  2. No, it makes me dodgy. Did you even read the OP?
  3. He wanted a service and requested a pm with a copy/paste of the skype chat. Worker said fine, but I said no. I said I don't pm any part of the convo, but I can pm you my Skype and my RSN. He called me dodgy saying no one else ever told him that and he doesn't see the big deal and ended up deleting me after about 10 minutes of telling me how he always does it and that I'm dodgy and paranoid. The ignorance...
  4. One does not simply apply for script writer.
  5. This can just go in the real life section. O.o
  6. Someone said my name?
  7. Alisehan?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RoomScape


      lol'd at Sean4. xD

      And skype me. :p

    3. Sean123


      yeah they dont allow "pb" in names :\

    4. RoomScape


      Yeah, I noticed. Ironhide and Arctic got the pb removed. :p

  8. A majority of the people farm fb to scam anyway.
  9. All the ones I found that I liked. No thanks. I may read it for research purposes later on in life to find all the contradictions, though.
  10. I read that and I loved it. I'm on the last one out - the house of hades Then I may go to the divergent series. I saw the movie and I liked it. I know it's different, but idk. Should I read it even though I saw the movie?
  11. Gimme some titles, I'm getting bored of anime. I like action/adventure/sci-fi/anything interdasting.
  12. Maybe get rid of the sponsor glow? It caused me some problems and it doesn't bode well with lifetime sponsor.
  13. I laughed so hard at this. xD!!!
  14. Ooh, I see. He only posted the staff PiPs so I got tunnel vision. :mellow:
  15. Which are all staff rank PiPs, lol.
  16. I would say let the community vote, but since it's the staff's PiP's, they should be able to say what they want and not have it forced upon them by people who will more than likely not even ever have it.
  17. lmao, wonder if it'll be as active as it just was.
  18. Disable the timer - or shorten it to 2 seconds max.
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