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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. lol, I don't have time for that pointless stuff. That's for attention seekers.
  2. Don't give me that, it obviously shows you offline.
  3. Disregard the devs, they're never really online anyway.
  4. I believe it was like this before you took your break.
  5. It's a TWC restriction. It's been like that for a while now.
  6. Just another payment method, but I forgot about vouchers when I first made this thread.
  7. I mean without using PayPal as a middleman and just having the banks go directly to OSBot. And it's easier to do chargebacks..? O.o
  8. Because you can pay with a credit card directly. Or add credit card support then.
  9. This isn't spam. You're out of your element here, unfortunately.
  10. I think this should be added as it would possibly increase revenue for the site as well as make life easier for those people who don't have a PayPal. I would personally like it since I have it and not PayPal. Are there any other payment methods that are worth mentioning?
  11. Not unless he gives you the original e mail address, and even that isn't fully safe. Feedback doesn't mean much, so don't go purely based off of that. It can - based on a personal preference of having a username instead of an e mail login - but not necessarily. Depends on the buyer.
  12. It looks nice overall, just blurry. Try refining it some and it'll look a lot better. There's a contradiction here...lol. If you're going to beg him to do it, why would it matter whether you're poor or not? If you're begging him to do it, you should obviously try to get it for free. If you're paying for it, you can go anywhere and to better people - providing you have sufficient funds. - RoomScape: the grammar Nazi.
  13. lol, this is the wrong section for that anyway.
  14. RoomScape


    Aaaaand he's banned. That was fast.
  15. Added. And yeah, smart choice. Live skypes are a lot more secure than regular ones. I remember when I first used mine no one knew what live was and always just added 'roomscape' on skype. xD
  16. It's not a matter of ignorance, but laziness.
  17. I've talked to a lot of people that use 'y' as 'yes'. They say 'y' and I say 'what', which they then reply to with a 'yes'.
  18. I keep thinking people mean 'why' and then I get confused. Use proper grammar, please.
  19. I just woke up and saw it offline, so who knows. Maybe my page didn't refresh.
  20. I'm psychic. I posted this a day too early. My bad.
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