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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Rare

  1. I would definitely play on this.
  2. I'm pretty excited for an in-depth tutorial.
  3. Mah Personal Graphic artist. Dis is some real shit doh.
  4. Rare

    Funny :D

    You should change your Avatar..
  5. Definitely Dr.Pep. Or RootBeer. Dr. Pepper is so good though..
  6. Great news. Some great decisions you all made.
  7. Rare

    I love this.

    I got it from 175$ ROFL. From a friend who desperately needed cash. Ahaha. Joys. Quad core, 4 gigs of ram. 64 bit. Gateway.
  8. Rare

    I love this.

    :B I unpinned it. Put it out of it's misery.
  9. Rare

    I love this.

    Obviously I don't use Internet Explorer.
  10. Shit, I'd do it if I wasn't a broke ass.
  11. http://prntscr.com/19u8b8 I'm running Skype, Spotify, Bot with two tabs running, League of legends, google chrome; and some programs in the background. Absolutely no lag.
  12. So, a friend from work told me I should start playing, so I decided to go ahead and try it out. I have absolutely no idea what this game is even about. So any tips would be nice. My username is Kodatiku.
  13. Rare

    Hey I seen your post with your desktop, where can I download something like that?

  14. Rare

    500 Posts :o

    That's cute. You must be new.
  15. Just hit 500! Funny thing is, is that I happened to look at a post I made in the spam section and saw it was 500. Aha.
  16. I have to agree. I wouldn't have the patience if there wasn't one.
  17. Rare


    I find no humor whatsoever in this.
  18. ohmygod yur so funny liek
  19. I typically enjoy trapping everyone in a small room and having them light off fire-works inside the room. Proceeding to watch the Grim Reaper absorb their souls for eternity.
  20. Nah it's Orgin. A friend of mine has these games and apparently you're allowed to share. Well, you're not supposed to but people do it all the time.
  21. They were already free nub
  22. My level of happiness. http://prntscr.com/1964im
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