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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Rare

  1. As if your signature doesn't.. Lol...
  2. I haven't really ever opened 3D. It was always sorta laggy for me.
  3. Lol alright, thanks for the honesty. I'm kinda thinking the same.
  4. What do you all think? Oh wow, didn't realize I had it outlined in red. Lmao, fixing it.
  5. Rare

    Got bored

    It looks really dull in my opinion. It's not bad though.
  6. Rare

    BETA v1.4.3

    Great quick fix guys!
  7. I'm a Master Prestige on BO2 with 1.93 KDR.
  8. One of the greatest games... Keep it on topic though please.
  9. So, I made this for a challenge I got from Pyromancer. He went inactive. So.. I have this tag with no use. If anyone would like to buy it, it's 200K. Send me a PM or post here. I will be changing the text to whatever you want after you buy.
  10. ^Exactly, I'm always looking for CnC, and I ALWAYS base my next piece off the suggestions I got from my prior piece. A simple, effective way of improving yourself. Telling an artist you like their piece is helping nothing but your post count. You're ignorant for making this thread.
  11. You really have no appreciation for art, do you? Are you that simple minded? Some people spend countless hours making things. He's a better example, 'Hey! Looks great, love the blending and color scheme.' If you like something, there's a reason; correct? Extra minute? Please tell me what you have going on that's so important to take the extra second.
  12. You're not getting Admin. lul
  13. 'I like it' And 'Looks good' is considered Spam. I would infract anyone who said that too. If you like it, take the extra second and atleast state why you like it. It's not that hard.
  14. Rare

    BETA v1.4.2

    Awesome! Thanks for the speedy fix.
  15. Wait, why did I get brought into this.. ? .-.
  16. Rare

    Fractal Pack

    Awesome, always can use some fractals.
  17. False. I fucking hate you. Just kidding, The person below me has never had a girlfriend.
  18. For real. He is apart of the staff team itself. He helps just as much as any other mod does with decisions.
  19. Graphics, Graphics, Graphics, Graphics.

  20. I would love for you to go through all my posts and show me ONE post where it was considered spam. I don't spam, and I know plenty of others who want this that don't either. And like I said, we'll have to just start reporting and infracting for spam. Duh.
  21. I SUPPORT this. Not only does it add life to the forums, it attracts many more user(s) to post. Whether it be spam or not. Keep in mind moderators, spam is against the rule, and can be bannable. You'll just have to put more effort.
  22. Rare

    Another Signature

    Nothing special. Haven't done much with photoshop the past days so I felt it was needed. Something quick.
  23. It's not even about that.. It's about supporting the site.. 10$ a month is a bargain...
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