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Pk Pro

Trade With Caution
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About Pk Pro

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Could do it for 45M alching, would take longer than the others (probably) but will be %100 hand done.
  2. Can do, added your skype
  3. Pk Pro

    PC Pure

    Yeh actually maybe because of the skills it has 200-250. Would tear people apart if it was 16
  4. Pk Pro

    PC Pure

    Think its more around 150m, they're pcing it at way too much
  5. Can i make a fresh level 3 and you quest it for me? Normal Account. Il pay 3.5m
  6. You'd start an ironman and do all the f2p quests for 3.5m?
  7. Pk Pro


    Can do both for 20m
  8. Quests: http://prntscr.com/ir8s6d Stats: http://prntscr.com/ir8tb5 Untradeables: http://prntscr.com/ir8sz7
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