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  1. Hey any chance I could have a free trial of this please!?
  2. Will check now! Been my birthday this week end so I Havent been on too much!
  3. Was going to say about the 333 things but saw others have already said. I am still having the problem but appreciate that you are working on a fix thank you for doing what you do!
  4. Purchased the bot now. But it isnt running. Pressing start and nothing is happening.
  5. I'm considering buying this script. But can anyone tell me what I should be making to maximise profits!?
  6. Request Template: - Script name Warrior's Guild - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial I am looking to purchase some scripts but would like to get a feel for paid scripts before doing so. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Of course. If its on a trial basis even more reason to do so!
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