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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Owneds

  1. Pretty much botted all these stats so far: http://prntscr.com/i5k0tl Only a 2 day ban so far
  2. I can also agree that Czar told me a script would be updated and it didn't get updated for 1 week. (I actually nearly got Banned for asking a Developer to many times) this seems like a pretty frequent thing.
  3. Version 33 is not even out? I've spoke to Alek.
  4. I got a 2 day Ban today.
  5. Owneds

    2 Day....

    Hi, i got a 2 day ban so in 48 hours it will let me play? Also do they have 2 day banned accounts on a watch list or what?
  6. Can you make so it doesn't use logs every 1 second? and it is activity bar friendly? so it will use a log every 25% of the bar goes down or something?
  7. Owneds

    62-70 pray

    10M done today, got 18 hours!
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