Why do it when I can do it for you.
This is a preview thread.
The script is complete except minor pieces (handle clue geodes, pick up ore from NPC, add prebuilt sequences, update UI)
It will be released after Osbot moves to C++ client.
New issues may arise when the client is updated.
Create a unique blast mining sequence exclusive to you.
Load multiple sequences, the script will randomly switch between them
Failsafe! Multiple consecutive failures will automatically stop the script.
Auto Random Event + Genie Support
Script Setup Documentation
1. On startup, A GUI will appear with the following options.
If this is your first run of this script, you will have to create your own sequence. Click the Record Sequence button to proceed.
2. The Osbot painter will highlight positions of interest to blast-mining.
For your convivence, clicking highlighted positions will not pass the click to Runescape, meaning you can select positions without moving your character. You can still move by clicking any non-highlighted position.
- CYAN WITH NUMBER + GREEN WALLS: Positions you selected, Number indicates their selection order. The highlighted green walls indicate the what will be interacted with at that position.
- CYAN: Positions that can be selected. Hovering turns them yellow. Click to select.
- YELLOW: The current hovered position.
3. When you are finished, click the Save Sequence button to open a separate window to save your sequence.
Sequences are saved in your Osbot folder (C:\Users\<Your Windows Account>\OSBot\Data\Blast_Miner).
The files created by this script are openable by any text editor. This is the contents of the file I just saved in this demo; it is a list of positions.
"x": 1472,
"y": 3870,
"z": 0
"x": 1472,
"y": 3872,
"z": 0
"x": 1475,
"y": 3876,
"z": 0
"x": 1476,
"y": 3879,
"z": 0
4A. When The sequence is saved, the original GUI in Step 1 will reappear. After clicking the Load from JSON button, a file explorer window will allow you to select the newly created sequence.
Selecting and opening a file will preview that sequence in the osbot painter.
You can now start the script, your character will now follow the sequence you've created.
4B. When selecting sequence files, you can elect to select more than one.
The script will randomly select a sequence to execute for a random number of cycles. Afterwards another sequences will be randomly selected. This will repeat for the script's duration.
ex: Sequence1 (10 cycles) -> Sequnce3 (15 cycles) -> Sequence2 (13 cycles) -> Sequence1 (17 cycles) -> ...