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  1. Yeah copped one too mate. NMZ is a bit harder this time around I reckon. Personally, probably going to run the account into the ground and use either APA Crabs or just NMZ ? Goodluck bro, all a matter of time as always.
  2. Notoriouss

    Fruity NMZ

    Yes, it works well. I’m going to answer this question for any questionable so it gives Fruity a bit of a load off + an honest opinion. Below is my NMZ signature using this script overall. Ive maxed most combat stats on a main account, maxed a zerk and currently have a piety with 99 range and closing in on 99 strength. The script did have a wave of bans a couple of months ago, my initial piety accounts were banned instantly, twice. However, my third attempt is the one I was talking about previously. I took a break when the wave occurred and trained using other combat methods. However, from here on out I’ll be using this script as i have previously. With this said, I bot mornings and afternoons, 8-10h a day rarely missing a session. I do a few things manually when initially setting up the bot then use a more AFK approach to botting and let it go for 4hr before I have it logout and remotely shut my computer down from work. You will get caught botting eventually I believe, but I’ve used this for the past week or two again and have blasting through XP like I was prior to the ban wave. If I was to be banned, would’ve probably occurred in the last couple of days. I’m going well, not to jinx it. Just play it cautiously, it’s a great script however I would advise to manually do a few things now and again. Big ups to Fruity!
  3. Notoriouss

    Fruity NMZ

    I’m assuming that minor ban wave saga is over? Seems that everyone’s back to having a lot of success with this script. It’s good to see a lot of people didn’t even have any issues when everyone was getting banned constantly including myself ? Might have to get stuck back into it. Have definitely used this script a lot over the course of a year.
  4. Ah, that’s way different. I don’t use that for that exact reason. Best of luck with it man, hopefully not banned.
  5. Depends, ranges from a couple hours to a few days in the past. As for your account standing still, are you sure it was actually inactive for that long? It will usually kick the bot after 5mins of inactivity, unless you had the random movements set at quick intervals? Even then, the bot isn’t working correctly in that sense and doesn’t register the mouse movements a lot of the time whilst being currently broken. I reckon you’ll be fine mate.
  6. Recent update probably bugged the bot, allow time to be able to fix it. It’s an amazing script, gotten two 99s so far botting quite generous hours everyday. Just be patient.
  7. Great script, been using it for a while for about 6hrs a day and working fine after a week, not banned yet. ? Cheers!
  8. Notoriouss

    Fruity NMZ

    Permed doing 2h dreams, 1 morning before work and 1 evening coming home. Afk in corner, no power ups at all. Used for about 3-4 days. Always a chance of a ban though.
  9. May I get a trial for the Sand Crabs!? Big fan of your scripts, thanks!
  10. Notoriouss

    Fruity NMZ

    I did too. However, got two accounts hit with a 2 day ban roughly a day apart. Might be focusing more on NMZ lately. I even had it more angled towards AFK’ing and not grabbing power ups or speccing. Can’t even get my accounts NMZ ready without getting a ban lately, unfortunately. Hahah.
  11. Yeah I’m getting it too with a client open with a proxy. Super irritating lmao
  12. Yeah, it’s what I’ve ended up doing.
  13. For anyone fucking up with the gear selector, click on the piece you want to adjust, for instance, using a staff of air in the weapon slot. Click the weapon slot, when it says search an item, just type. Bahahah. I feel like an idiot. Majority if quests I’ve tried bug out when buying items though unfortunately.
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