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  1. Also, after a few inventories the bot just sort of afks and moves from spot to spot while attempting to hop world. It seems to completely just ignore the chosen sector I have designated. After doing this he goes completely unresponsive and just stands there. https://imgur.com/a/v3b1eNb (heres the logger) sorry cant embed, button broken
  2. I am getting this as well, also the bot always seems to bank after one inv, completely ignoring any sack amount that I write in the box ( I have it on 3 inv).
  3. Bot also seems to afk for like 2-3mins at a time sometimes and consistently gets stuck between rockfalls too
  4. Bot seems to be broken atm, it will mine one inv then deposit and then wait near the hopper and nothing happens ( not using upper mode). Also the afk needs a bit of rework as a poster above suggested, the bot always afks for 5-10secs near the hopper and then he will afk near the sack, it is not like a few times an hour kind of thing, the bot will do it every single time. No player would ever afk in those spots unless he was really distracted so it doesn't make any sense to have it. I also have the repair option on but it keeps banking the hammer?
  5. could I get a trial please?
  6. Yea happening to me too the bot is refusing to drink combat pots and it constantly tries to but fails, also script doesn't start unless you are right near the crabs and it seems to sometimes get stuck refreshing itself. Was working fine yesterday I think its to do with the update that happened 2 hrs ago from Jagex. Hopefully Apaec can fix it soon.
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