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  1. Suggestion: loot only supplies like anglerfish from your own kills. Sometimes runs aroudn the cave, losing prio on the revenant etc. EDIT: It also seems to stop working if for some reason picking up a potion in noted form.
  2. Never bot a mule you would like to keep - do everything manually. Consider trickle-down-muling (a mule trades another mule which trades another mule).
  3. Well, send me your scripts so I can run them locally then
  4. Yes, but since I want to have various checks to determine which script to queue, it's not sufficient.
  5. Is this possible at all? Either by switching script directly or opening a new client?
  6. Issue with the builder, when finishing the last quest, it's in a dialogue:
  7. I can't get CLI to work through Explv's Bot Manager with this: 1079:SCRIPT_NAME Local script works fine. any idea? I'm a moron
  8. Just need a few - PM me price.
  9. Rays

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Also, it does not seem to turn in the Clean Necklace once found? Not sure. Had to do it myself. EDIT: Seems to be different. Would be nice if it used the xp lamp when it is finished handing in quests for kudos.
  10. Rays

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Great script! Would be EVEN GREATER if script checked if a Digsite pendant was already found before searching for one (this can be checked fast with a dialogue on The Curator). Would love this feature in case my script sequence faisl and it has to do this task again. Same goes for finding all finds for kudos. Would love that! To clarify, a simple check before cleaning finds: Did I already find Clean Necklace? Terminate script. or Did I already find all 5 artifacts? Terminate script. This would help tremendously.
  11. Looking for a price check for the following account! Original e-mail does not come with the account.
  12. If we knew exactly how to get past Jagex's bot-detection we would never get banned. Different mouse profiles (cursor speed, click speed, etc.) for different accounts MAY affect banrate. Implementing a "fatigue" system (the bots gets "worse" at a task over time to simulate fatigue in playing) MAY affect banrate. Implementing custom walk paths instead of using WebWalking MAY affect banrate (most likely). Checking woodcutting experience MAY affect banrate (probably not). Point is, we don't know. We guess, but in reality, we don't know.
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