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Everything posted by Hennep

  1. Hennep

    Fire&forget Botfarm

    Good luck with all those goals!
  2. Just bought the script, will post a proggy soon.
  3. Just bought this script. Running 10 accounts on progressive mode so far everything has been working fine. Will comment further in about a week or so.
  4. This can be closed, i will be purchasing from @IDontEB.
  5. If they have had a cooldown period then no, i don't mind if the accounts are botted.
  6. Post your prices below. You can also contact me on discord Hennep#9964
  7. 25m You got to leave supplies on the account and i will go first because of my lower rep. Will be hand done.
  8. I used this to set up my VPS and it worked like a charm. https://gist.github.com/Lem0ns/52ccbf8d5038e8f2f446
  9. Saw a post on Reddit that someone was throwing em at users he suspected that were botting. Will search the post when I get home.
  10. He never said he was gonna bot on his main?
  11. Looking to buy 2 accounts to bot green dragon on, has to have gear to kill the drags in bank. Pm me prices and stats
  12. I deserve VIP because i just bought a VPS plan on contabo and later came to the realisation that i need VIP to run more then 2 clients. Ty for hosting this giveaway btw
  13. Alright, thanks. How many clients do you think i can run on average with the M SSD plan
  14. So i was looking to purchase a VPS and i came across this one: https://contabo.com/?show=configurator&vserver_id=193 was wondering if any of you guys have had a VPS from this company and if it performed well.
  15. Bot has some problems with surviving the muggers near the rune shop, other then that it has been running like a charm.
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